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Online Reporting

About The WIA IARU Monitoring System

Who We Are

The WIA IARU Monitoring System (WIMS) is a part of the IARU global monitoring activities of the Amateur Service across all three regions. Australia belongs to IARU Region 3. Information is shared with other national societies within the region and other regions to assist with locating and identifying intruders.

The WIA has a long established arrangement whereby amateurs can report possible unauthorised (non-amateur) transmissions within our primary HF bands to the WIMS Coordinator.

The nominated WIA Monitoring System Coordinator is current Vacant. Emails can be sent to

Reports of identified intruders are also lodged with the appropriate spectrum management administration to enable removal action to be taken.

More information on other regional activities can be found by clicking the following:

IARU Region 1 monitoring system home page - Link
IARU Region 2 monitoring system home page - Link
IARU Region 3 monitoring system home page - Link

Latest IARU Monitoring System report can be found at: Link
Copies of previous months WIA monitoring reports can be obtained by sending an email to

What Do We Do ?

The WIA IARU Monitoring System is an agreed mechanism between the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and the Wireless Institute of Australia to identify and instigate (compliance) action to remove non-amateur "intruders" which are causing substantial interference to Australian amateurs in amateur HF frequency bands which are designated by the ACMA for exclusive use by amateurs.

The ACMA interprets substantial interference as that level of interference which degrades reception by a considerable degree. The ACMA is obliged under the WIA IARU Monitoring System mechanism to investigate and as much as practical resolve intrusions into amateur HF bands in which Australian amateurs have Primary status.

Amateurs should note that:

The WIA IARU Monitoring System resolution mechanism cannot be applied to localised electrical noise.

The WIA IARU Monitoring System is not designed to deal with amateur-amateur issues. This remains a matter between the amateurs involved and the ACMA.


The ACMA has an online Form "Interference- radiocommunications request Investigation form", that must be used to initiate an investigation Link The form allows for attachment of files, recordings etc.

WIA IARU Monitoring System Agreed Procedure

The agreed procedure between the ACMA and the WIA for forwarding intruder complaints from the WIA is as follows:

1. The ACMA and WIA will nominate one point of contact to represent each organisation. The nominated ACMA officer will respond only to requests from the nominated WIA officer unless the intrusion involves a safety of life (SOL) matter. In some instances, the ACMA officer investigating the intrusion complaint may contact the WIA Intruder Watch liaison directly.

2. The normal method of contact between each organisation will be by email, but if the intrusion involves safety of life (SOL) telephone contact and an email may be necessary.

3. The nominated ACMA officer will only be involved in genuine intrusions into HF radio spectrum which have been verified by the WIA Intruder Watch co-ordinator. The WIA IARU Monitoring System is not a mechanism to deal with complaints where only amateurs are involved nor should it be applied to electrical noise interference.

4. The requisite actions by the ACMA and WIA should not only conform to the law but also be reasonable considering the circumstances.

5. The WIA IARU Monitoring System mechanism is not to be applied to non-radio communications sources. ACMA policy is that protection from electrical noise is not practical in urban areas.

6. There is an obligation on the WIA to ensure that the intruder complaints have been verified by monitoring over a seven day period to confirm that the intrusion is serious and continuous.

7. There is an obligation on the ACMA to:
<Bullet> Confirm by email that the complaint has been received.
<Bullet> Assess the complaint and advise if action will be taken.
<Bullet> If action is taken by the ACMA, investigate the complaint and respond within 30 days.
<Bullet> Provide a monthly status report (even if there have been no intrusion) to the WIA representative of outstanding intrusions.
<Bullet> Reply to the WIA representative when intrusion has been rectified.

8. The WIA will ensure that these agreed procedures are promulgated to all WIA members. The ACMA will publish the procedures on the ACMA web site.

9. The ACMA will publish the WIA IARU Monitoring System email address on its website, and direct all amateur intrusion complaints to the WIA IARU Monitoring System liaison in the first instance.

Any questions on the WIA IARU Monitoring System should also be sent to the email address
Alternatively, you may fax completed reports to: 03 9729 7325

Help safeguard our bands - become an intruder watcher today.

I Think I Hear An Interfering Station What Should I Do

The WIA and ACMA have developed a standard WIMS reporting form (an Excel spreadsheet), that should be used to record your observations. This spreadsheet template may be downloaded: See Below under Files for Download
If you do not have Excel, please send your reports as a plain text email, listing the following details:

  Your Name
  Time start (UTC)
  Duration (minutes or end time UTC)
  Frequency (kHz)
  Emission (see below)
  Bandwidth (kHz)
  Signal strength (S Units or dBm)
  Estimated location/bearing of the intruder
  Your Grid Locator (eg QF22ML)
  A day time contact telephone number
  Comments (additional info, language or nature of communications etc).

Emission key to be used: A3E=AM, J3E/U=USB, J3E/L =LSB or J3E/U=USB, F1B=RTTY, P0N=Pulse Radar (OHR)

Completed WIMS report forms or reports should be emailed to: or alternatively to the National WIA on the above Fax number.

Alternatively, you can use the On-Line Reporting form for reporting one off intruders Link. For multiple observations please use the Excel Spread sheet. Or, The IARU -R3 reporting form; below

Additional information by way a audio sound files (Wave or MP3 formats)of the suspected intruder can also be attached with reporting form with details of date, time (UTC) and frequency. This audio information may be useful in identifying the type of transmission or the source of the emissions.

The Region One Monitoring service has produced an excellent manual monitoring techniques, which can be used to assist with some of the technical aspects of monitoring observations. A copy of the manual can be downloaded from this site: See Below.

Amateur use of HF digital modes is ever increasing and identification of these modes can be difficult for those who have no experience of what a particular emission sounds like. A very useful site to visit that has links to examples of digital sound files both amateur, commercial and military is SigidWiki Link

It should be noted that not all intrusions are deliberate, but may be due to a faulty transmitter, or authorised under the ITU Table of Allocations -alternative use footnotes.

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 3
Report of an irregularity or infringement

The purpose of this form is to enable those Member Societies (MS) and individual members, that do not have a formal Intruder Watch arrangement with their communications regulator, a method of reporting irregularities (non-authorised transmissions) and/or interference with sufficient information in a format acceptable to the regulator. This form and note details are listed below.

The IARU Monitoring System is designed to identify non amateur transmissions in the Amateur Service Primary allocations and, in some cases Secondary allocations, and the subsequent removal.


Files For Download

WIA Intruder Watch Monitoring Service Report Form V2 - Excel
WIA Monitoring Service Report Form_Ver 2_2020.xls

IARU Monitoring System Terms of Reference

Emission characteristics of radio transmissions
emission characteristics.pdf

Region One monitoring handbook
Region One Monitoring Manual.pdf

Amateur HF Primary Spectrum Allocations
HF Primary Bands.pdf

WIA - IARU R3 Reporting Form
WIA R3-Monitoring-System-Report-Form.docx

IARU R3 Reporting Form Notes

Page Last Updated: Friday 29 March 2024 at 10:38 hours by Peter Young


© 2024 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)