Repeater Update
Repeater news
Updates of the repeater directory occur in June and December. Please refer to the date stamp shown on the downloadable files.
To make an update please review the simple submission guidelines that are described on the last page of the listing downloadable below.
Check out the Google Earth kmz file that is contained in the downloadable zip file. If you have Google Earth installed double clicking will install the file into Google Earth and it will show the location of every Amatuer, CB, Marine repeater in Australia. Filter out the Services you dont want to see. Click the radio antenna icon and this will pop up frequency information. This file is autogenerated and is right up to date with the ACMA database.
IRLP- Visit the main IRLP web site at for more information.
ECHOLINK- For information, station listings and software downloads, visit
DSTAR- For information about D-Star voice and data repeaters, visit
P25- P25 and DMR users can register for a DMR-MARC radio ID in order to utilise the internationally linked Quantar Site Connect system. The URL is
Fusion– For information about System Fusion repeaters, visit
DMR– The VK DMR network has an information web page at
Overseas repeater information
A new repeater app is now available for Android. It allows you to easily find the locations of repeaters in your area and overseas. This app initially covered the UK, but details of Australian repeaters have now been added.
The author's web site: Link. The Android Market web site: Link
RFINDER Repeater Directory
RFinder - The Worldwide Repeater Directory
Android - iPhone - RTSystems - CHIRP - TomTom - Garmin -WWW
Web page link:Link
Facebook link: Link
The WIA repeater data base
We aim to keep our repeater listing up to date - but for this we depend on information from our fellow amateurs. If you are aware of any additions, changes or corrections that need to be made to the Australian Repeater Directory then please review the simple submission guidelines that are described on the last page of the listing downloadable below.
It is upto the sponsors of the repeaters to inform us of changes of status of the repeaters.
There is an Australian focussed online repeater website here: Link that shows repeater locations throughout Australia, grouped by mode. This site groups the repeaters by state and is less complicated than the Google Earth file conatined in the downloadable zip file.
Latest updates to the data base
Important Changes to the listing
Many thanks for the VK7 repeater sponsors who have updated the Tasmanian repeaters.
A new colour coding (purple) shows those repeaters that carry the WIA broadcast or are callback channels.
Note to Application Developers who use this data that a new status of 'W' denotes operational repeaters that carry the Weekly WIA broadcast.
Unlicensed repeaters will be removed from the listing after 2 years. This is the purpose of the date codes in the listing eg 12/23
Files For Download
Example VBScript, Sorted Directory csv and CHIRP csv files and other csv formats
Page Last Updated: Thursday, 09 Jan 2025 at 17:14 hours by Tacrep