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WIA DX Awards General Information

DXCC Program

WIA Online Awards System

DXCC Awards

General Awards

DXCC Open Award

Open Category

Award Description

This award is available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked 100 approved current entities using a mix of modes.

(The word "entity" denotes Countries and Special areas combined.)

QRP and other endoresement are available on application.


General Information for All Awards

Rules applicable to ALL DXCC Awards
  1. The basic DXCC award is available for confirming 100 or more approved DXCC entities

  2. DXCC awards may be endorsed for SINGLE BAND, SINGLE MODE, QRP, SWL based on applicant data.

  3. Holders of new and existing DXCC awards may apply for endorsements.

  4. Applications for increased totals are to be made in multiples of 25 from 100 to 325; thereafter in single units.

  5. The W.I.A. DXCC Honour Roll achievement endorsement is issued to applicants who have confirmed nine less than the total on the DXCC entity list.

  6. The W.I.A. DXCC Excellence achievement award is issued to applicants who have confirmed the total DXCC entity list at time of application. A beautiful Plaque is available for a nominal charge. Contact Awards Manager for details.

  7. Direct two way un-assisted contacts via Satellites (SAT) is available as from 1st of March 1965 as a unique award. Satellite assisted contacts are not valid for any other award.

  8. Should an entity be deleted from the DXCC list by the ARRL, credit for that entity will be allowed if worked before the date of deletion but will be indicated for credit only in the “deleted Country” category.

  9. DXCC rankings will be published in Amateur Radio Magazine, and updated on the WIA website on a regular basis. If you do not want your call in the listing, then contact the awards manager. When a listing is no longer licensed or has died, the entry will be removed at the first opportune time.

  10. The DXCC ranking list will show two numbers in determining the ranking: (1) total, minus deleted credits, (2) total including deleted credits, e.g. 200/220 meaning 200 current entities and an extra 20 that have been deleted at some time, but were worked before the date of deletion.

  11. Awards are available in the following categories:

    • Open [mix of bands]

    • Single band

    • 3 band

    • 5 band

    • 7 band

    • 9 band

    • 10 band

    • VHF

  12. Single-mode awards must include 100 or more DXCC entities exclusive to the mode claimed.

  13. Multi-band awards must include 100 or more DXCC entities exclusive to the bands claimed.

  14. Single-band awards must include 100 or more DXCC entities exclusive to the band claimed.

  15. For clarity, the ‘common’ name is used to indicate the type of modulation. Mode may be shown as the common name or the technical indicator on applications. If in doubt, contact the Awards Manager for clarification

Rules specific to the OPEN DXCC Award

  1. Contact & Confirm a minimum of 100 DXCC entities on any mix of modes.

  2. WIA "Honour Roll" achievement is available for working within 9 of all current entities confirmed.

  3. WIA "DXCC Excellence" achievement is available for working & confirming all current entities.

How To Apply For The Award

Online system Link

Page Last Updated: Sunday, 02 Apr 2023 at 10:58 hours by Webmaster


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