Global internet outage affects Memnet

Memnet have contacted the WIA and advised that they have been affected by the internet service outage affecting a large number of corporate online services   Want to know more ?

Update On WIA Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Consultations

Currently the committee has two amateur community consultations open, the first covering the introduction of new standards that describe how specific frequencies are selected for amateur fixed repeater and beacon stations, and the second which is considering what improvements may be possible with the amateur 40m band plan.    Want to know more ?

CONSULTATION 2024-2: 40m Band Plan Harmonisation Challenges

The WIA as part of its involvement with IARU Region 3 is sponsoring a discussion on the future directions of the 40m band plan. It is now seeking feedback from members on a number of issues relating to the band to then use as input to the IARU Region 3 conference in October 2024.   Want to know more ?

CONSULTATION 2024-1: Australian Amateur Radio Repeater and Beacon Frequency Planning Rules and Process Changes

The WIA was first approached by the ACMA in 2022, to consider how improved transparency could be brought to Amateur repeater and beacon frequency selection processes. In addition, the ACMA wished to enable a pathway for obtaining an amateur spectrum repeater/beacon frequency assignment that did not require them to engage with the WIA.   Want to know more ?

WIA Directors meet with ARRL at Dayton Hamvention

WIA Directors Lee Moyle VK3GK and Chris Dimitrijevic VK3FY, attended this year's Dayton Hamvention which was held at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Centre in Xenia, Ohio.   Want to know more ?

ACMA, VK9/VK0 Callsigns and Class Licence Callsign Documents

With the recent introduction of Class Licensing, following is the current situation with the WIA's position on the use of VK9 & VK0 prefixes and Callsign Documentation.    Want to know more ?

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