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Eddie Saunders


Contact Details

Homestead Gardens
WA 6027

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About Eddie Saunders

Born in Subiaco, grew up in places as far afield as Denmark in the South West, to Cottesloe and Karrinyup in Perth. From a very early age I was allways pulling appart all things electrical and putting them back again. In High School I discovered books on amateur radio and read all I could. After high school I was offered a Job as an Telecommunications Apprentice with the then PMG, on completion of my Apprenticeship I worked for Telstra in many sections including Radio Installation on projects like the East-West Microwave analog upgrade and 140Mb Digital Radio System, Radio Design (Analog Mobile Phone Service), Iterra Satellite ground stations, SECWA Gas Pipeline Comms Project.
After made redundant from Telstra in 1992 I have worked for a number small communications Companies and done Telecoms Consultancy work, IT Support for a small ISP, a Carer for a family member and worked for the Education Dept of WA, assisting students with disabilities and behavioural problems integrate and succeed within the mainstream education system.

Radio Activities

I was interested in radio at a very early age, after meeting Norman Schroeder VK6NS (sk) I got the urge to sit my Amateur Radio licence, and I failed the first attempt however in 1981 with much help from Norman I passed the AOLCP Theory and Regulations. I never quite managed to get the morse qualification due to mild tinnitus. I enjoy building antennas, Digital Modes including Packet Radio (run a bbs since 1989) and talking on VHF/UHF, hopefully soon this will include HF activites.
Many years ago I was involved with the now defunct Kambalda Repeater, I modified a FM828 and built the repeater controller on my nights off from work, (in motel rooms between Perth and Kalgoorlie). When back at home installed all the IC's and when powered up the controller worked first time. The repeater was installed and all was well until a direct lightening hit on the tower made equipment installed on site expensive waste metal.


Some of my hobbies include, Digital Still and Video Photography, Movie Editing, Swimming (lazing on the beach when I am able), Music, Sailing when I have the opportunity.
Also I experiment with different Operating Systems, such as linux in VMs on my Main Computer.

In 2013 I started to help The Peter Cowan Writers' Centre in Joondalup with their computers and other technical requirements.


Page Last Updated: Thursday 14 September 2017 at 0:4 hours


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)