John Williams
Contact Details
Mundoolun, S.E. Qld
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About John Williams
John has been known to fill in for Anchorman Kempy VK4BB on the WIA News, and done some sporadic reporting since around 2005.
Licensed since 1965 and a WIA member since 1975 he's been active on most bands up to 70cm when there's a break from working for SHMBO in their joint online retail businesses, which unfortunately doesn't happen very often .... the breaks, that is.
While still a teenager, had a shot at higher education in Melbourne at RMIT, however after a couple of years, Communications Engineering didn't look to be anywhere as much fun as talking on the commercial wireless.
Spent a lot of time earning a living from broadcasting in the days when it was exciting, and dabbled in TV for a while until they realised he had a better head for radio.
Inbetween that and now, set up and ran an ISP business for 21 years.
Still does some commercial voice work from time-to-time, however currently undergoing therapy for getting used to the idea that time is marching on and we all have a use-by date.
And please note that it's not "under therapy" as such. Just being involved in something that enables coming to terms with encroaching old age.
Not bad for someone who's still 39, even after all these years ;-)
Radio Activities FT897 plugged into a HB ATU and a bit of wire strung between the trees so we can talk anywhere from Top Band to 6M.
Also a couple of beams for 6m and 2M SSB, and limited 70cm SSB with a vertical collinear.
Have a bit of a play around with DMR too, both thru Andy's VK4RLU repeater and a hotspot.
Generally try to get on the RD with HF each year, but it all depends on whether work gets in the way!
Page Last Updated: Tuesday 21 April 2020 at 10:14 hours