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Online Event Calendar

October 2011

Field Day

Oct 2nd, 2011 (Sun)
12:00 - 15:00 AEST
 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club Inc. 40th Anniversary Lunch iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Lunch to celebrate the club's 40th birtday at the Port Macquarie Golf Club, Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie, at 12 noon on Sunday the 2nd of October 2012. Visitors and their families are welcome. All radio amateurs who attend will receive an attractive commemorative certificate. For bookings ring Henry Lundell VK2ZHE on 0427 947 921.
Oct 11th, 2011 (Tue)
19:30 - 21:30 AEDT
 Illawarra Club Meeting with guest speaker iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Illawarra Amateur Radio Society will have a guest speaker at their October meeting. Roger Harrison will speak about "Six Metres and DX"
Visitors are very welcome.
At 7.30 pm
At the Visitor's centre, Bluescope Steel, Coniston.
For info, contact Ross Masterson VK2VVV
Oct 15th, 2011 (Sat) -- Oct 16th, 2011 (Sun)
01:00 - 23:55 UTC
 Scout Association of Australia Jamboree on the AIR iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : Scouts and Guides Jamboree using Amateur Radio
World Wide Event involving both the Scout Association and Girl Guide Association. Use of HF radios, VHF radios, IRLP and Echolink to introduce Scouts and Guides to Amateur Radio.
If you want your club added as a participant please email
Participating Clubs: Fishers Ghost VK2 Cataract park.
Oct 22nd, 2011 (Sat)
00:00 - 00:00 AEDT
 WICEN NSW Hawkesbury Canoe Classic - Date to be confirmed iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : This Communications Exercise is the major emergency training event for WICEN NSW. Interested operators should ensure that they are up to date with WICEN NSW information.
See WICEN NSW on the WIA clubs VK2 web pages.
Oct 23rd, 2011 (Sun)
00:00 - 00:00 AEDT
 SPARC Peninsula Group Fire Brigades Exercise iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : SPARC are conducting an interesting exercise with the
Peninsula Group of Fire Brigades on October 23 this year, attempting to link
all stations back to the Rosebud Fire Station Divisional Command Centre by
purely portable/self-contained means and outside of normal emergency service
communications channels. It is purely a chance for members not involved in
formal teams such as WICEN etc to test thier skills as a "last resort"
option by emergency services.
More info closer to the date. Mark VK3PDG
Oct 23rd, 2011 (Sun)
10:00 - 14:00 AEDT
 Ballarat Hamvention Ballarat Amateur Radio Group iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : This is the usual brilliant Ballarat Hamvention being held at The Ballarat Greyhound Racing Track, Rubicon Street in Redan, a central suburb of Ballarat. New and used gear for sale. Good food on site.
Oct 29th, 2011 (Sat) -- Oct 30th, 2011 (Sun)
09:00 - 16:00 AEDT
 Exams & Assessments Port Stephens ARC iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Foundation Exam & Assessment weekend.
Over the weekend October 29-30, 2011, the Port Stephens ARC will be hosting a Foundation Examination and Assessment weekend. If anyone wishes to do an upgrade, we will also be happy to help you on that weekend. For more information or bookings, contact Leigh VK2KAL via email at
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)