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Online Event Calendar

June 2010

Field Day

Jun 12th, 2010 (Sat) -- Jun 13th, 2010 (Sun)
09:00 - 16:00 AEST
 Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club 35th Annual Field Day iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : This will be the 35th Field Day ORARC has run on the June long Weekend and is expected to attract a large gathering of Hams from around the area and interstate travelers. The club will also be highlighting the 100 year celebrations of the WIA. As usual there will be trade stalls, secondhand items and items of interest.
For further info watch the info on the club website, via the WIA website VK2 clubs list.
Jun 12th, 2010 (Sat) -- Jun 13th, 2010 (Sun)
12:00 - 16:30 ACST
 South East Radio Group Convention and Australian Fox Hunting ChampionsiCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK5
Brief Description :

Full Details : Radio Convention, Home Brew Contest, Fox Hunting.
Home Brew Contest, Buy swap and sell, Fox Hunting, Give aways. All at the Margaret Street scout hall (behing the Mount Gambier Police Station)
Jun 16th, 2010 (Wed) -- Jun 18th, 2010 (Fri)
00:00 - 00:00 AEST
 Re-enactment of first wirless press message Britain to Australia iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Re-enactment of the first wireless press message received from Britain in
Australia ? June 16?18.

The Gippsland Gate Radio and Electronics Club is on the VK100WIA roster 16-18
June and at that time will re-enact this historical wireless milestone that
occurred in 1921 at Koo-wee-rup south-east of Melbourne.
Jun 19th, 2010 (Sat) -- Jun 20th, 2010 (Sun)
00:00 - 00:00 UTC
 Winter VHF-UHF Field Day iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : The Winter VHF/UHF Field Day will be held on the weekend of June 19/20.
The contest is open to single or multi operator stations for operating periods of 8 or 24 hours. If you don't go out in the field, there is also a home station section. For full details, check the contest page.
Jun 19th, 2010 (Sat) -- Jul 4th, 2010 (Sun) ⇛
06:00 - 16:00 AEST
 Winter VK3KID DX exedition Outback South Australia 2010 iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Sherbrooke Community Radio Club VK3KID ??oThe Club helping youth into the hobby??? is running a DX outback trip to South Australia along the Old Ghan Railway Line. The trip Timetable is from 19th June to 4th July 2010.

For more info goto The club will be sending QSL cards to all contacts made, just send your QSL card and a self-addressed enveloped to Sherbrooke Community School 311 Mt. Dandenong Tourist Road Sassafras 3787 Victoria Australia, marked Radio Club.
The club will be making QSL cards that will be made from a picture of each site
Jun 19th, 2010 (Sat)
09:00 - 17:00 AEST
 VK3 State D-Star Workshop Day iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club.
The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club is hosting a State D-Star workshop. A full day of training for new users, advanced users and and System administrators. A great opportunity for networking and fun. The event will be fully catered by MRARC. Cost is $30 per participant inc Lunch etc Participants are encouraged to bring their D-Star equipment. More Information, Registration and RSVP
Jun 19th, 2010 (Sat) -- Jun 20th, 2010 (Sun)
09:00 - 17:00 AEST
 Foundation Licence Course, Standard Exam. iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club Inc.
Foundation Licence tuition and exams
Opportunity for Scouts to gain their Foundation Licence in time for the Amateur Radio Awards in July and for JOTA in October.
Jun 19th, 2010 (Sat)
09:30 - 18:30 AEST
 VK100WIA Field operations. WANSARC Western and Northern Suburbs AmateuiCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Portable operation with VK100WIA special event callsign.
WANSARC will be providing the opportunity for HF, VHF and UHF stations to contact VK100WIA from an elevated location in the Pentland Hills, west of Melbourne. The club will operate a field station on traditional HF, VHF and UHF frequencies, together with D-Star and Amateur Television. Liaison frequency for the club on the day with be 146.450MHz FM.
Jun 20th, 2010 (Sun)
09:00 - 15:00 AEST
 VK100WIA Special event callsign operations. WANSARC (Western and NorthiCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Field operation Diamond Valley Latrobe University Community Market.
WANSARC will be in the field again for Day 2 of its VK100WIA special callsign operations. WANSARC will operate on 2mx, 70cm, D-Star and Digital Amateur Television from the Community Market at Latrobe University. This is an excellent opportunity to provide the community with a window into the world of Amateur Radio. Liaison frequency will be 146.450MHz FM.
Jun 21st, 2010 (Mon)
09:00 - 17:00 AEST
 VK100WIA Special event field operations. WANSARC (Western and NortherniCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Mount Cooper Field Operations (Highest point in metropolitan Melbourne)
On Day 3 of WANSARC VK100WIA operations, WANSARC members will again operate in the field at Mount Cooper, north of Reservoir and south of Bundoora. HF, VHF and UHF operations will be conducted, together with D-Star and Digital Amateur Television. This is another excellent opportunity for the public to see and hear amateur radio in action as part of the WIA Centenary celebrations.
Jun 25th, 2010 (Fri) -- Jun 27th, 2010 (Sun)
13:00 - 21:00 ACST
 WIA Centenary Celebrations - Special Event Callsign VK100WIA iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK5
Brief Description :

Full Details : South Coast Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) Inc.
Centenary Celebration for WIA - Special Event VK100WIA.
The SCARC Inc. [SA] will be hosting Centenary Celebrations for the WIA, with Weekend Event. Operation - VK100WIA Callsign, Sausage Sizzle, Demonstrations, Fun & Games.

All visitors and guest more than welcome..

Hackham Scout Hall - 16 Roberts Road, Hackham. SA 5163
More info -
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)