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Online Event Calendar

August 2016

Field Day

⇚ Jul 29th, 2016 (Fri) -- Aug 1st, 2016 (Mon)
10:00 - 16:00 AEST
 Winter High Plains mini-expedition Group iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : This year's Winter trip will involve a team or four amateurs skiing back country over the Bogong High Plains for four days and running all bands from 160M to 70Cm. Using solar powered QRP gear and ultra-light equipment. They will operate from igloos and huts om the roof top of Victoria. The snow looks good at this elevation and conditions will hopefully be kind. Listen out especially on 40m each afternoon and 80m each evening, as well as local 2m and 70cm repeaters.
Aug 7th, 2016 (Sun)
09:00 - 11:30 AEST
 VK1 Wniter SOTA QSO Party iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK1
Brief Description :

Full Details : VK1 SOTA activators showcase Amateur Radio to the ACT community.
VK1 SOTA activators will brave the cold Canberra weather, ascending local and distant SOTA peaks for a chance to work like minded SOTA folk around VK. The VK1 Winter SOTA QSO party is a popular event with chasers and activators alike where SOTA activators compete with chasers to earn Summit to Summit contact points.
Info submitted by Andrew VK1AD.
Aug 7th, 2016 (Sun)
09:00 - 13:00 AWST
 Northern Corridor Radio Group 2016 Hamfest iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK6
Brief Description :

Full Details : The Northern Corridor Radio Group is holding the annual "Hamfest "on
Sunday 7th August. No charge for a table, entry fee $5.00 per person.
Location : Cyril Jackson Community Hall, Fisher St Ashfield 6054
info email
Aug 13th, 2016 (Sat) -- Aug 14th, 2016 (Sun)
00:00 - 00:00 UTC
 Remembrance Day Contest. WIA contest iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : Details are on page 37 of August Amateur Radio.
Aug 20th, 2016 (Sat) -- Aug 21st, 2016 (Sun)
08:00 - 16:00 AEST
 Coffs Harbour & Clarence Valley Clubs Lighthouse weekend Yamba iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Clarence Valley ARG and Coffs Harbour ARC will activate Clarence Head (Lighthouse) for the International Lighthouse Lightship weekend
Aug 28th, 2016 (Sun)
08:30 - 16:00 AEST
 SARCFEST Summerland Amateur Radio Club iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Buy & Sell and Get Together.
more info at
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)