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2005 News Releases




Delay in Introduction of the Outcomes of its Review of Amateur Service

Date : 04 / 05 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

WIA President, Michael Owen, VK3KI, announced that today (4 May 2005) the WIA had been advised by the ACA about the ACA's progress towards the introduction of the Outcomes of the Review of Amateur Service Regulation as follows:

"In the Media Release No. 41 dated 31 May 2004, the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) indicated that it expected the new arrangements to come into force early in 2005. However, the Outcomes of the Review are now not able to be introduced until the third quarter of 2005. The ACA will provide further advice on this matter as soon as a date for the introduction becomes clear."

"As the WIA approaches the end of this first year as a national body, this news of further delay in the introduction of the restructure of the amateur service in this country, and particularly the introduction of the Foundation Licence, is very disappointing."

The WIA knows that many people have been anxiously waiting the introduction of the new licences and their privileges, and some had begun to blame the WIA. He stressed that the timing and the terms of the introduction of the Outcomes was entirely a matter for the regulator, the ACA, and all that the WIA could do was to seek to influence the result.

"The WIA will be responding to the Authority, expressing its strong concern at this delay, and requesting that steps be taken to at least introduce the new licence structure, and particularly the Foundation Licence, much sooner than is now proposed" said Michael.


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