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2015 News Releases



VK-ZL cruise liner IRLP expedition

26/ 01/ 2015   A group from the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (ALARA) and friends will operate 'marine mobile' from the MS Celebrity Solstice, relying on lower power and the Internet Repeater Linking Project (IRLP) for communication.
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Men’s Shed talks about Amateur Radio

23/ 01/ 2015   In the Men’s Shed Australia publication "The Shed Online" in an answer to a question, it has discussed Amateur Radio as an activity that could socialise, network, make friends and share skills.
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AX prefix on Australia's national day

23/ 01/ 2015   The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) automatically allows all radio amateurs to substitute their normal VK callsign prefix with the letters AX, every Australia Day - which is Monday January 26.
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Sadly PS-30 pico flight ends

18/ 01/ 2015   The small pico party-type balloon from Australia has not made it home and crashed near Madagascar just east of Africa.
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Aussie high altitude balloon flight heads home

16/ 01/ 2015   The small Australian balloon circling the southern hemisphere in an easterly direction that left Melbourne Australia in late December, has been now tracked over the Indian Ocean.
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WICEN during South Australian bushfires

07/ 01/ 2015   The bushfire that burned uncontrolled for many days since early new year in the Adelaide hills blackened more than 12,500 hectares of land, destroyed numerous houses, sheds and at least four business.
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Amateur licence conditions re-make: what’s happening?

05/ 01/ 2015   Not a lot, yet. Exactly how the re-make of the LCD will proceed is not known at this stage. Given the limited time available, the WIA anticipates that that the ACMA will renew the current LCD with minor amendments and no significant change, and then later have an extended public consultation process.
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ANZAC 100 will be everywhere in 2015

03/ 01/ 2015   The WIA has joined the community commemoration of the ANZAC 100 milestone with its own ANZAC Centenary Award, special callsigns and other activities.
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HERO net in Philippines storm disaster

02/ 01/ 2015   No rest for the busy HERO (Ham Emergency Radio Operations) network which has again activated for the storm Jangmi (Seniang) that made landfall in Mindanao Island on December 29 and crossed central areas causing massive floods and landslides.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)