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2005 News Releases




New 40m Broadcast Station On Our Doorstep

Date : 24 / 05 / 2005
Author : Glen Dunstan - VK4DU

Papua New Guinea has licensed a new short wave broadcast station on 7120 kHz.

"The station, located in Port Moresby, carries religious programming, and is loud and clear in northern VK4 throughout the day" WIA Director, and National intruder Watch Coordinator Glenn Dunstan VK4DU said. "The station has also been heard in VK2 and 3 in the afternoons and evenings". The Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society has objected strongly to PANGTEL, the licensing authority in PNG, over the allocation of a new broadcast service on 7120 kHz. Although 7100-7200 kHz is allocated to the broadcasting service on a primary basis until 2009, most countries are phasing out broadcasting in this band." Glenn said


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