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2008 News Releases




WIA Comments on Draft Spectrum Plan

Date : 03 / 10 / 2008
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Before the changes made at the ITU’s WRC 07 can be implemented, and in particular the new secondary allocation to amateur of the segment 135.7 – 137.8 kHz can be made in Australia, the statutory Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan must be amended.

ACMA has published its proposed draft amendments to the Spectrum Plan, and invited comments. The time for comment ended on Friday 3 October, and the WIA has lodged a submission.

The full WIA submission can be seen below.

While the draft Spectrum Plan included the new secondary amateur LF band the WIA, while supporting the allocation, has made some suggestions.

In its submission the WIA notes that apart from an experimental licence held by the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club there was only one other user of the segment.

The WIA looked at the inefficiency of antennas that amateurs would be able to use at this part of the spectrum, and concludes that the risk of interference is very small.

The WIA noted that the New Zealand administration allows New Zealand amateurs a larger segment in this part of the spectrum (but on a temporary basis) with a 5 watt e.i.r.p. power limit, and so to harmonise arrangements for similar services between Australia and New Zealand the WIA proposes that Australian Advanced amateurs be allowed to operate on the segment 135.7 – 137.8 kHz with a maximum radiated power of 5 watts e.i.r.p., rather than the 1 watt e.i.r.p. limit proposed.

The WIA was a little surprise to see that the draft Spectrum Plan retains the existing primary allocation to broadcasting and the existing secondary allocation to the amateur within the band 7100 - 7200 kHz, despite the decisions of WRC 03 that amateur be primary and broadcasting cease in the band after 29 March 2009. In addition, Australia is a party to a footnote allowing fixed and mobile primary in that segment.

The WIA has proposed that amateur be co-primary with Fixed and Mobile, and a footnote be inserted acknowledging that the band is designated to be used principally for the purposes of defence and national security and that the amateur service shall not cause harmful interference to, nor claim protection against interference from, fixed or mobile service stations operating within Australia.

Certainly, leaving amateur as secondary and on a non interference basis will not reflect the international position after 29 March next year.

Once the changes to the Spectrum Plan are made, amendment of the amateur LCD is required before Advanced Licensees will be able to use the new LF band.

Related Files

WIA Response to ARSP 2008
WIA Response to ARSP 2008 Rev 3.pdf


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