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2012 News Releases




Oceania DX Contest - 3 Weeks Away !

Date : 17 / 09 / 2012
Author : Trent Sampson - vK4TS

The 2012 Oceania DX contest is now only 3 weeks away, with the Phone SSB section on the first weekend in October and the CW section on the second weekend in October. This will be a great opportunity to work a lot of DX stations in the Oceania region, as well as giving your station a test drive for the new DX contest season and the CQ WW contest events later in the year. We are expecting a good turn out from VK, ZL and YB stations, as well as stations from some of the rarer Pacific entities. The main aim of the contest is to promote HF contacts with stations in the Oceania region. Oceania stations can work other Oceania and non-Oceania stations. Non-Oceania stations can only work Oceania stations.

Here is brief summary of the rules for the 2012 contest:

PHONE: 08:00 UTC Saturday 6 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 7 October
CW: 08:00 UTC Saturday 13 October to 08:00 UTC Sunday 14 October
Bands: 160M to 10M (excluding WARC bands).
Exchange: RS(T) + serial number.
QSO points: 20 points per QSO on 160M; 10 pts on 80M; 5 pts on 40M; 1 pt on 20M; 2 pts on 15M; and 3 pts on 10M.
Final Score: The sum of the QSO points multiplied by the number of prefixes worked (the same prefix can be counted once on each band).

Entry Categories:
  Single Operator All Band Low Power (max 100W)
  Single Operator All Band High Power
  Single Operator Single Band Low Power (max 100W)
  Single Operator Single Band High Power
  M1 Multiple Operators and Single Transmitter (only one transmitted signal at any time)
  M2 Multiple Operators and Two Transmitters (no more than two transmitted signals at any time and on different bands)
  MM Multiple Operators and Multiple Transmitters (no more than one transmitted signal at any time on each band)
  Shortwave Listener (receive only) All Band

A range of trophies and plaques will be awarded as listed on the web site accessible by clicking the following Link Certificates will be awarded to the winning stations in each of the categories above - for each continent and country. A participation certificate will also be awarded to every station that makes at least one valid QSO.

The contest committee is pleased to announce that new plaques will be available for winners of the following categories in the 2012 contest:
  Top entrant from Oceania in the PHONE M2 category (sponsored by the South Pacific Contest Club)
  Top entrant from Oceania in the CW M2 category (sponsored by the South Pacific Contest Club)
  Top entrant from Asia in the PHONE M2 category (sponsored by QRO Communications and OM Power)
  Top entrant from Asia in the CW M2 category (sponsored by QRO Communications and OM Power)
  Top entrant from VK in the PHONE Single Operator All Band Low Power category (sponsored by the CCARC)
  Top entrant from VK in PHONE Single Operator All Band HIGH Power category
(sponsored by Tony Hambling VK3VTH)

Additionally, Lee Moyle VK3GK is the new sponsor of the the plaque awarded to the top entrant from Asia in the PHONE Single Operator ALL Band category, and the rules for the Australia Club plaque have been updated so that a club now only requires 3 participant stations in order to compete for this award.

Log Submission Deadline: All logs must be emailed or postmarked NO LATER than 12 November 2012.

Note: The 2012 contest is also recognised as a qualifying event for Oceania contesters that are interested in seeking selection for the next World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) in 2014. See the following Link for more information about the WRTC and team selection.

More information about the contest, including the detailed rules, are available from the Oceania DX Contest web site accessible by clicking this Link

73 and we look forward to seeing you in the pile ups!

Oceania DX Contest Committee


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