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2012 News Releases




The new 630 meter band is now a reality

Date : 24 / 12 / 2012
Author : Peter Young - VK3MV

ACMA Makes Amendments to the Amateur Licence Conditions Determination (LCD) – The new 630 meter band is now a reality.

Effective from the 1st January 2013, Australian Advanced amateur licensees can now operate in the new band (630 meters) on a secondary basis. This new world wide allocation from 472 kHz to 479 kHz is an outcome of the ITU World Radio Conference in 2012 (WRC-12). The ACMA has amended the conditions in the LCD that gives effect to the WRC outcomes authorising a radiated power of not more than 5 watts pX EIRP, with a maximum emission bandwidth of 2.1 kHz. There is however two exclusion zones where amateur operation is not permitted so as to protect aeronautical non-directional beacons (NDB) operating in the Exmouth and Timor regions.

Also included in the amendments is the withdrawal for general use by advanced licensees to the amateur secondary allocation, 420 to 430 MHz to allow for greater harmonisation of government services in the 400 MHz band, following the ACMA’s review of this band. The use of this segment by amateurs was mainly for fixed links associated with repeater interlinking and a number of ATV channels where alternative channel assignment have been achieved in the 430 to 450 MHz 70cm band.

A copy of the amendments and an explanatory statement can be found by clicking the following Link


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