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2012 News Releases




Tropical storm Quinta hits the Philippines

Date : 26 / 12 / 2012
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

Activated again for Tropical Storm Quinta are members of the Philippines Amateur Radio Association emergency net on 7.095 MHz and VHF, to handle any emergency and welfare traffic. PARA Vice Chief Operating Officer, Ramon J. Anquilan DU1UGZ, requested that the HF channel be kept clear to deal with whatever contingencies may arise.

The Ham Emergency Radio Operators know what to do with about 20 typhoons in the archipelago every year, often causing death and destruction. Communities were on put on alert Christmas Day as a low pressure area developed into a storm and made landfall on Wednesday, December 26 to travel through the Visayas. Officials warned that the areas within a 350 kilometre diameter of Tropical Storm Quinta should expect heavy to intense rainfall. The public warnings included more heavy rains, possible flash floods and landslides over the next few days.

Pre-emptive evacuations were ordered for several islands and low lying areas, which included some areas already badly affected earlier by Typhoon Pablo that destroyed houses and agricultutal land in early December. Hundreds of ferry passengers are left stranded during the latest storm. Warnings have been also issued to fishing and small seacraft to stay tied up over the eastern seaboard off Luzon and over the Visayas and Mindanao.

Those affected earlier this month by Typhoon Bopha are in temporary shelters and relying on donated food. Bopha was the most intense storm to hit the Philippines recently, affecting communities near the coast in the southern provinces with 1,067 killed dead and left more than 800 missing.

(Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee,
with Ramon J. Anquilan DU1UGZ, PARA Vice Chief Operating Officer)


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