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2013 News Releases




50-52 MHz is open for business !

Date : 18 / 12 / 2013
Author : Roger Harrison - VK2ZRH

As the last channel 0 station closed on 27 November 2013, the ACMA has advised that "amateur operations in the 50-52 MHz band will no longer need to be curtailed in order to avoid interference to channel 0 stations."

In the eastern states – VK1, VK2, VK3 and VK4 – this means Advanced licensees can once again use all of the first 2 MHz of 6m, run powers up to 400 W and use any permitted mode as per the LCD.

Although the LCD will not be amended until some time in the future, Sections 15, 36 and 43 – which restricted used of 50-52 MHz in the eastern states – may be ignored for the time being.

The WIA wrote to the ACMA in November (see the 7 December news item, 50-52 MHz and closure of the last Ch.0 station). A reply from the ACMA, dated 13 December, (attached below) was received on Monday, 16 December.

In the WIA’s November letter, we sought clarification of the situation regarding access to 50-52 MHz and reiterated the three issues raised with the ACMA in 2010, namely:

(a) re-allocation of 50-52 MHz to the Amateur Service on a primary basis (with consequent changes to the Australian Radio Frequency Spectrum Plan);

(b) Standard licensees being permitted access to 50-52 MHz; and

(c) amendment of the Amateur LCD to reflect such changes.

The ACMA has responded in its latest letter to say that these requests will be kept in mind during the proposed review of what is to happen with the spectrum vacated by analog TV services in channels 0 to 5A, between 45 MHz and 144 MHz.

The ACMA recognises ". . . that one possible outcome of the proposed review of the VHF spectrum may be that changes are proposed to the amateur arrangements . . .", for which reason the ACMA does not propose to "amend the legislated amateur arrangements at this time . . . so that any proposed changes can be progressed at the same time."

Related Files

Letter Received From The ACMA
13 December 2013 signed Channel 0 letter.pdf


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