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2015 News Releases




VK-ZL cruise liner IRLP expedition

Date : 26 / 01 / 2015
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

A group from the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (ALARA) and friends will operate 'marine mobile' from the MS Celebrity Solstice, relying on lower power and the Internet Repeater Linking Project (IRLP) for communication. A number of well-known radio amateurs, led by ALARA National President Jean Fisher VK3VIP, will be active from January 27 through to 11 February.

The MS Celebrity Solstice is one of the largest cruise liners to operate in Australian waters. The voyage begins at Sydney Circular Quay, down to Hobart for two days, then across to New Zealand using IRLP enabled repeaters along the way. The ALARA group will leave the ship in Auckland, to be heard on the ZL1BQ device primarily (Node 6950) and various nodes in the 'Waikato Network'. VK Foundation Licence holders have always been allowed to operate as visitors in New Zealand. After visiting friends, the group heads back to Melbourne by aircraft on February 11. A reverse direction trip by sea (Hobart - Sydney) last year showed how IRLP can be a fantastic and reliable communication method.

The ALARA group that at least includes Jean VK3VIP, Donna VK3FRET, Pat VK3OZ and Margaret VK3FMAB, may pop-up on some IRLP enabled repeaters in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and New Zealand. ALARA is unashamedly trying to promote IRLP to all who have modern analogue frequency modulated 2m and 70cm transceivers.

Your nearest IRLP enabled device is on a list at the following Link


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