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2015 News Releases




WIA AGM 2016 bookings looking good

Date : 22 / 07 / 2015
Author : Fred Swainston - VK3DAC

There has been a quick response to the posting of further details and a booking form for the Wireless Institute of Australia annual general meeting and open forum in May, on Norfolk Island.

The details are on the WIA website for May 27-29, 2016. Some have indicated that the WIA AGM on May 27-29, will be combined with other activities in the tourist destination that has many interesting attractions and duty free shopping.

Among the weekend program of events there will be use of both the VK100ANZAC and VI9ANZAC callsigns under the ANZAC 100 program, visits to Summits On The Air or SOTA sites, and a lot more.

The WIA has been able to negotiate some good prices for flights from Sydney and Brisbane, a range of accommodation and event venues identified.

A detailed email was sent to those who expressed interest in the destination, either at the Canberra AGM this year or later. Based on that support, the WIA board looked at the options available and finalised the costs for airline travel and accommodation. The result it believes is a fantastic deal slightly less than predicted in the presentation made in Canberra.

Several accommodation locations have a limit on the number of rooms available. These are available for booking now, with a deposit being required.

For details of the WIA 2016 AGM on Norfolk Island and the online booking form, simply click the following Link


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