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2016 News Releases




WIA AGM and Open Forum

Date : 02 / 06 / 2016
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The WIA held its annual general meeting (AGM) and Open forum was held last weekend on Norfolk Island. The AGM is the formal part of proceedings where the Silent Keys are remembered, the new elected Board members are formally announced, and the Directors and Treasurers reports are discussed and voted on. Both reports were accepted by the meeting, with two minor items from the Treasurers report referred back to the Treasurer for clarification.

Following the Open Forum the WIA Service Awards were announced.

Life Membership was awarded to Ted Thrift VK2ARA, for his contribution to the WIA and Amateur Radio in Australia in his work in Affiliated Club coordination and managing the Affiliated Club Insurance Scheme since its inception.

The GA Taylor Medal, the WIA’s highest award, went to Dale Hughes VK1DSH for representing the Amateur Service internationally for many years, and for his leadership role in the official Australian delegation to WRC-15 in Geneva, which led to a new Amateur allocation at 5.3 MHz.

The Chris Jones Award was given to Jenny Wardrop VK3WQ VK5ANW for her consistent support of the WIA and ALARA over five decades, as well as her historical research work, particularly on women in Amateur Radio.

The Ron Wilkinson award went to David Scott VK2JDS for his activities in 1296 MHz moonbounce, helping to maintain a profile of Australian participation in this leading-edge amateur pursuit.

The WIA Technical Excellence awards were awarded to Andy Nguyen VK3YT for his work with Pico Balloons especially circumnavigating the Southern Hemisphere, together, David Learmonth VK3QM and Lou Blasco VK3ALB for the re-purposing of ex-commercial 3.5 GHz equipment which increased activity on the 9 cm amateur band.

This year we had two new WIA Merit Awards: the Michael J. Owen Distinction given for outstanding service to the WIA, and the Foundation award for excellence demonstrated in the true spirit of the Foundation licence. The inaugural Michael J Owen Distinction was awarded to Peter Wolfenden VK3RV for his exceptional voluntary service for the WIA over many decades, his role as Coordinator of the Historical and Archive Committee, and articles to Amateur Radio magazine on Australian amateurs’ in WWI and WWII for the ANZAC Centenary.

Inaugural Foundation awards were given to Onno Benschop VK6FLAB for his enthusiastic work on helping newcomers to the hobby, and Damien Clissold VK5FDEC for enthusiastic, consistent participation in QRP, portable and Field Day activities in the best traditions of the Foundation Licence.

Publications Committee awards are given to those who have made a stand-out contribution during the year to both the content and production of Amateur Radio magazine. These include:
The Higginbotham Award to Evan Jarman VK3ANI for 37 years service to AR magazine, the Al Shawsmith Award to Peter Wolfenden VK3RV for his series of articles commemorating the ANZAC Centenary, and the AR magazine Technical Award to Jim Tregallas VK5JST for his article “A VHF/UHF Aerial Analyser”.

This year, Presidents Commendations were given to: Adrian Addison VK5FANA, John Bates VK7RT, Lloyd Butler VK5BR, Mike Charteris VK4QS, Ron Cook VK3AFW, Noel Higgins VK3NH, Peter Cossins VK3BFG, Peter Gibson VK3AZL, Tony Hambling VK3XV, June Sim VK4SJ, and Roy Watkins VK6XV.

In the Open Forum segment where any item of interest to members concerning Amateur Radio and the WIA can be discussed, this year centred on youth and Amateur Radio, the future format and delivery of AR magazine, potential for website advertising, and how to grow WIA membership including the possibility of giving 1 year free Associate memberships to all new radio amateurs.
The WIA named 39 accredited assessors who had played a key part of the WIA Exam Service and gave them certificates to signify their 10 years of service. The DXer of the year awards were also announced.

Another report giving an overview of other events held during the AGM will be posted soon.


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