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2016 News Releases




King of Thailand HS1A (sk)

Date : 14 / 10 / 2016
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej HS1A, the patron of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST), passed away on Thursday October 13, 2016. He was 88 years old.He passed away peacefully in a Thailand hospital. All members of the royal family were present.

His Majesty was presented the callsign HS1A by the Ministry of Communications in August, 1989, in a ceremony witnessed by RAST officers. Five years later he put RAST under his royal patronage. He was the world’s long reigning monarch, having been head of state for 70 years. The Thailand Prime Minister's Office has ordered that all government agencies fly flags at half-mast for 30 days, and that government officials will wear black in mourning for a year.

The International Radio Union Region 3 are among who expressed deep sorrow at the loss. A letter from Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN, Chairman IARU Region 3, he said: "We are really saddened to get the news of the passing away of your beloved Monarch. On behalf of the directors and members of IARU Region 3, we extend our deepest condolences to RAST and the people of Thailand. We all know what a staunch supporter of Amateur Radio he was and his passing will obviously leave a very large void."

He has asked RAST to relay this message to all members of RAST, with whom goes our thoughts, prayers, and sincere condolences. Click the following Link for further details.

The WIA has sent the letter of condolence below to Jack Hantongkom HS1FVL, President RAST.

Related Files

WIA Letter of condolence
WIA Letter - King Bhumibhol Adulyadej.pdf


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