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2017 News Releases




Spectrum pollution and intruders put urban radio in doubt

Date : 21 / 07 / 2017
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 told the Ham Radio 2017 Friedrichshafen conference opening ceremony of the need to be more vigilant to pollution and intrusions on our bands. IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie G3BJ, said the pressures are so intense from other radio services that Amateur Radio needs to work very hard to ensure that we continue to enjoy privileged access to parts of the spectrum.

The IARU is the only organisation representing us at the Regional Telecommunications Organisations meetings, and the ITU World Radiocommunications Conference in 2019.

A second part to the IARU core work is spectrum protection. Don G3BJ said he is “deeply concerned about our ability to maintain a usable radio spectrum in some parts of suburban Europe.” Amateur Radio spectrum allocations are of little value if they are “made unusable by the presence of multiple sources of interference - be it electrical interference or intruders”. Don G3BJ said the IARU is deeply involved in the work of the international standards organisations, arguing for common sense in the setting of emission standards for electrical and electronic devices. He highlighted major concerns facing the IARU being solar photovoltaic arrays, wind generators, digital devices, VDSL+ and wireless power transfer technology. "Some would say that even with the work we are involved in on standards, much of the radio spectrum is becoming unusable in the suburban environment," adding he personally has sympathy with this view. He also praised the work of the IARU Monitoring System but more intruder watch observers were desperately needed.

The full speech is at the following Link


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