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2019 News Releases




Islands of Australia Award - Live Today

Date : 09 / 09 / 2019
Author : Graham Alston - VK3GA Awards manager on behalf of the WIA Awards Committee

The WIA DX Awards Program (*) Link is pleased to announce that the new award, the “Islands of Australia Award" is live and available today.

This new award recognises contacts with Amateur Radio stations on any of the 56 qualifying Islands of Australia. (**)

The WIA Islands Of Australia Award is an award which compliments the RSGB/IOTA Ltd Program. The WIA wholeheartedly endorses this Program and hopes this award will encourage members to extend their "IOTA chasing” skills and achievements, and apply for further RSGB/IOTA world-wide awards.

20 confirmed contacts qualify for the award. In addition, you will be able to download further copies of the award certificate with endorsement stickers for 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 contacts. Once you reached 50 islands, your certificate will include an Honour Roll scroll and once you are able to make contact with all 56 Australian islands you will be able to download your copy of the award certificate with an Excellence endorsement scroll. The certificates are produced in real time by the online awards system and can be downloaded in PDF format and printed either at home, or at office works for those who don't own a high quality colour printer.

The new award also features a Most Wanted list, which allows activators to target the rarest VK islands for their next DXpedition.

The award certificate features Coochiemudlo Island, part of OC-137, a small island in Moreton Bay, near Brisbane in VK4. The European explorer Matthew Flinders landed on Coochiemudlo Island on 19 July 1799, while he was searching for a river in the southern part of Moreton Bay. The name “Coochiemudlo" is an anglicised version of the Aboriginal Yuggera words kutchi (meaning red) and mudlo (meaning stone).

By participating in the online WIA DX Awards Program, you will have the opportunity to obtain your own personalised "Islands of Australia Award" certificate, or any one of the other 12 certificates and over 300 endorsements.

I would like to acknowledge Marc Hillman VK3OHM and Robert Broomhead VK3DN for their efforts to make this award possible.

Graham Alston - VK3GA WIA Awards Manager, on behalf of the WIA Awards Committee

Special Notes …
 Click the certificate image above for a more detailed view, use your browsers back button to return to this page.
(*) The WIA awards program is accessible by clicking WIA DX AWARDS under the FOR MEMBERS dropdown on the WIA website.
(**) An “Island of Australia" is defined as an Australian (VK) island listed in the RSGB/Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd Program. This list can be found via this Link

Page Last Updated: Monday 9 September 2019 at 13:44 hours by Robert Broomhead


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