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2019 News Releases





Date : 20 / 09 / 2019
Author : Ngaire Jury ZL2UJT


1. The Award will run from Thursday 3rd October till Monday 7th October 2019 Inclusive

It is open to all Amateurs and short wave Listeners.

2. Contacts may be made on any band, any mode. Each station may be worked ONCE ONLY for each separate application for the Award.

Compulsory contact with Special Station ZL6RFA 5 points
(We are retaining our call sign from our previous Rhododendron Festival award )

Contact with Taranaki Club Stations
• New Plymouth Branch 27 ZL2AB 3 points
• Waitara Branch 47 ZL2TO 3 points
• South Taranaki Branch 87 ZL2QF 3 points
• Inglewood Branch 19 ZL2PT 3 points
• Hawera Branch 14 ZL2HWA 3 points
• Opunake Branch 32 ZL2ANN 3 points

Each additional Taranaki station (A Station whose base is in Taranaki) 1 point
Copy of log and fee of $5.00 to arrive before the 21st October
Total Points needed for award 25 points

Paper logs and electronic logs both welcome. Electronic can be sent to: or

and paper logs to:

The Award Custodian
New Plymouth amateur radio club
P O Box 799
New Plymouth 4310

• Logs must be signed and include full name, call sign,address of operator, and show final score (points claimed) The senders email address in the message header will count as a signature.
• Logs must be legible. No logs will be returned.
• Electronic logs may be in cabrillo, spreadsheet (.xls, numeric .ods), document (.odt .doc .docx) or ADIF
• Decision of the contest manager will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Log to include:


A summary page should be prepared showing:

Name, Call sign, Points claimed for each certificate if multi band or multi mode and payment value stated

Payments can be made to
TSB account: 153942 0001086 00
Please add your Call sign & T Award as a reference or Please make cheques out to New Plymouth Amateur Radio Club

Fee including return Postage
Certificate $5.00 each

Overseas station requires only 6 points and DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE the COMPULSORY CONTACT.
Overseas award application Fee US $6.00 or fair equivalent NO IRC or STAMPS PLEASE

The Award Certificate will be a Print of a Taranaki scene (New Print each year)

Taranaki stations will be available each day on National System and local repeaters, and will try and come up when possible.

Taranaki Award Net – 3.660 MHZ +/- 8 pm each evening 0800 UTC

The ZL Awards Net - 3.677 MHz from 9 pm each evening 0900 UTC

the following frequencies will be monitored for VK stations wishing to make contacts to ZL

20 metres 14165 0600 UTC 7pm NZ Friday 4th October
40 metres 7105 0600 UTC 7pm NZ Saturday 5th October,
40 metres 7105 0600 UTC 7pm NZ Sunday 6th October

In Conjunction with the Taranaki Award
we will be running the Dan Wilkinson Memorial Contest


1. Certificates will be awarded in two categories for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. The categories are:

a. Taranaki stations
b. Those outside the region.

2. The Wooden Trophy to be awarded to the Station outside the Taranaki region who has the most contacts with Taranaki stations.

3. The Taranaki station contacted can only be used for scoring once, regardless of what bands they are contacted on.

4. The Trophy is to be held by winner for 12 months.

5. The Dan Wilkinson Memorial Stone Trophy will be awarded to the Taranaki station who has the Contacted the most Taranaki stations.

6. However because of the size and weight of the Trophy it will remain in the club rooms of Branch 27

Dan Wilkinson was the original holder of the call ZL2AB, the current callsign of the NPARC.

Page Last Updated: Wednesday 18 September 2019 at 18:23 hours by Peter Clee


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