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2019 News Releases




BUSHFIRE EMERGENCY 31st December 2019 through 5th January 2020

Date : 31 / 12 / 2019
Author : Greg Kelly VK2GPK - WIA President

The WIA has received advice that there are major outages of telecommunications in areas impacted by the bushfires either currently or expected to occur overnight. This disruption advice currently applies to areas of NSW and VIC.

The scope and range of these impacts is unknown at this stage but are predicted to cover all internet and phone ( fixed and mobile ) and other commercial radio services.

The WIA kindly asks Radio Amateurs to monitor the EMCOM HF frequencies ( as per IARU-R3 EMCOM bandplan on the WIA or IARU-R3 website) whenever feasible over the next 24 to 48 hours.

VHF and UHF Repeaters should also be monitored wherever possible.

Amateurs seeking to establish emergency communication should use these EMCOMM frequencies in the first instance, or repeaters if available.

Radio Amateurs who are volunteers for WICEN, CREST, etc should keep themselves updated from the respective websites of these organisations.

Emergency Communication is one of the three main reasons Radio Amateurs have access to RF Spectrum. Please assist if and when you can.

As an IARU member society, the WIA has adopted these recommended frequencies. "Centre of Activity" frequencies are not spot frequencies or net frequencies. They are recommended as starting points for emergency traffic which may extend 5 kHz above or below the designated centre frequency.

3.600 MHz.
7.110 MHz.
14.300 MHz.
18.160 MHz.
21.360 MHz.

Page Last Updated: Friday 3 January 2020 at 17:58 hours by Robert Broomhead


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)