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2020 News Releases




AMC Exams to be temporarily suspended.

Date : 17 / 03 / 2020
Author : Greg Kelly VK2GPK - WIA President

The AMC contacted all registered assessors this afternoon and advised that it will temporarily suspend the Exam service with no further face to face examinations to be conducted from Monday 23rd March.

The full text of the email is as follows....

Please note : The WIA board has not received any advice from ACMA in regards to the formal approval of the implementation of the 2x1 callsigns nor advice of a forthcoming consultation process .

Dear Assessor

Please be advised following the recent developments relating to COVID-19, the AMC Amateur Radio Office, under direction from the University of Tasmania policy, will cease all face to face teaching and related activities from Monday 23rd March, this will include the AMC Amateur Radio assessors.

No further face to face examinations are to be conducted from this date and no examination papers will be issued from the office. New developments, including the 2x1 Callsigns will be on hold until the situation has resolved.

All examinations received before the 23rd March will be marked as per normal.

Our administrative teams are working both on and off campus which may also impact normal operating efficiency.

Please monitor our website News Updates for updates as the situation progresses.

Thank you for your patience as we organise ourselves for this new normal.

Kind regards

Sheree Campton
Administration Officer | Office of Maritime Communications | AMC – Amateur Radio
Australian Maritime College | University of Tasmania

Page Last Updated: Tuesday 17 March 2020 at 18:11 hours by Webmaster


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)