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2020 News Releases




Australian Cubesat project takes shape

Date : 26 / 03 / 2020
Author : Daniel-Cristian Busan (VK6BUS)

Binar-1 and the Binar Space Program

The Binar Space Program (Binar) is a space hardware project for research and education within Curtin University’s Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC). The primary objective of Binar is the development of Australian space technology that enables planetary science research and sovereign Australian space industry activity.

The primary function of the communications link is to provide telemetry for the on-orbit testing of hardware developed at Curtin for educational and scientific purposes.

The Binar Space Program team is primarily composed of graduate engineers working on higher degrees by research and undergraduates seeking to develop their skills. This team is supervised and advised by members of the SSTC with previous experience building and operating space hardware and others who are currently part of the science teams for several major international missions including OSIRIS-Rex, Mars InSight and Hayabusa-II.

The Binar-1 satellite is currently in engineering testing and development of all subsystem’s hardware is complete. Software development is ongoing. The Binar laboratories at Curtin have been setup with equipment for performing vacuum and vibration testing and a rigorous testing campaign began with the proof of concept models of each subsystem and continues with the engineering models.

The safety assessment for JAXA’s phase012 has commenced with assembly drawings, procedures, requirements analysis, operations and mechanical analysis all submitted for moderation by Space-BD. Manufacture and testing of the flight model will commence on approval from the JAXA’s safety assessment board.

Frequencies are assigned by the IARU's Satellite Co-ordination team and requires the support and endorsement of the WIA being the national body for Amateur Radio in Australia.

The Wireless Institute of Australia are pleased to support this most important project

More information will be in the May-June edition of Amateur Radio magazine.

Page Last Updated: Thursday 26 March 2020 at 9:12 hours by Peter Clee


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