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Online Event Calendar

March 2010

Field Day

Mar 13th, 2010 (Sat)
06:00 - 15:00 AEST
 Far North Endurance Riders Association iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK4
Brief Description :

Full Details : Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club Inc.
Provide check point and communications support for horse endurance ride

Full Details :

Contact John Roberts VK4TL for full details.
Mar 14th, 2010 (Sun)
09:00 - 16:00 AWST
 100 years of the WIA/ Ham Heaven Open day iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK6
Brief Description :

Full Details : The Official Ham Heaven Open Day.
The NCRG cordially invites all radio amateurs to join with us in this dual celebration, 100 years of the WIA and the Official opening of the NCRG club premises in Whiteman Park affectionately known locally as Ham Heaven. it will consist of a car boot sale, bbq, guided tours of the premises and if conditions permit a chance to operate from the clubs excellent contest stations.Please contact Keith VK6RK for further details at this stage.
Mar 14th, 2010 (Sun)
10:00 - 15:00 AEDT
 Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club 2010 White Elephant Sale iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Why go driving all around town when the very best Hamfest is right here in Melbourne. The Eastern And Mountain District Radio Club 2010 White Elephant Sale. Melbourne's most popular suburban hamfest for new and second hand Amateur gear and component sales and our 2010 hamfest will be no exception. With major commercial vendors, retailers and our regular 'hard to get component' suppliers in attendance. Enjoy food from our club BBQ and of course we offer free tea and coffee. For table bookings email Colin Perger at
Mar 20th, 2010 (Sat)
01:00 - 00:55 UTC
 John Moyle Memorial National Field Day iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : The National Field day for all bands HF, VHF, UHF, and above emphasising portable operation.
Mar 28th, 2010 (Sun)
09:30 - 00:00 AEDT
 FOUNDATION LICENCE COURSE Geelong Radio & Electronics Society iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Geelong Radio & Electronics Society will be holding a Foundation
Licence Course on the days of Sunday 28th March and Sat 10th April. 9.30
See location under Victorian Clubs.
Contact John Collins [3-016 ] on 5243 0075 or by email at
if interested for further details.
Mar 31st, 2010 (Wed)
19:30 - 00:00 ACDT
 A Photo Expo on Antarctica, by Graham VK5GCT iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK5
Brief Description :

Full Details : South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. (SA).
Photos and Talk on Graham's Trip to Antarctica in February 2010.
Formal Invitation To Fellow Amateurs and Listeners...
Graham Thomas VK5GCT has recently returned from his expedition (still partly frozen) to the Antarctica and has put together a tremendous presentation of his travels throughout the region, and I have seen some of the material and it is not to be missed. (remember Henry Lawson ate the dogs)
You are formally invited to this premier event and screening and if you like you can bring friends and family for free as well on the night. Held at SCARC Clubrooms, 16 Roberts Road, Hackham 5163.
Better be quick on the night as seats are limited.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)