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Online Event Calendar

April 2010

Field Day

Apr 3rd, 2010 (Sat) -- Apr 5th, 2010 (Mon)
10:00 - 17:00 AEDT
 WIA 100 Midland ARC Radio Electronic & Astronomy Expo iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : An Expo showing the public the hobbies of Amateur Radio, Vintage Radio & Astronomy.
Display tables showing Amateur Radio as a hobby from the beginings with morse code through valve transceivers to the modern solid state rigs with software control, also includes ATV & a display on home brew items.
Astronomy covers Astrophotography, Radio Astronomy & Solar Viewing.
The Expo also includes old broadcast valve radios from the 1920s & 30s. This event will also be Midland Club's WIA 100 celebration. More info to come, see
The location will be in the Old Fire Station building, View St Bendigo
ALARA will also be participating in the expo.
Apr 7th, 2010 (Wed)
19:30 - 22:30 AEST
 Movie Night - 1997 Heard Island Expedition iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : The St George Amateur Radio Society will host a documentary movie night at their club rooms, Donnelly park, Kyle Parade, Kyle Bay NSW 2221.
Starting 19:30 (7.30pm) talk in on Heathcote repeater 146.800 MHz.
More info at
Freebies, Pop corn, Jaffas, tea and coffee.
All welcome, come and catch up with old friends.
Apr 10th, 2010 (Sat)
09:30 - 00:00 AEST
 FOUNDATION LICENCE COURSE Geelong Radio & Electronics Society iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK3
Brief Description :

Full Details : Geelong Radio & Electronics Society will be holding a Foundation
Licence Course on the days of Sunday 28th March and Sat 10th April. 9.30
See location under Victorian Clubs.
Contact John Collins [3-016 ] on 5243 0075 or by email at
if interested for further details.
Apr 17th, 2010 (Sat)
10:00 - 11:00 UTC
 Kiwi Digital Modes Group KDMG VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : RTTY Sprint Contest for all VK & ZL Amateurs.
Two Days, 17th and 24th April 2010.
This contest is open to all licensed amateurs residing in the VK-ZL Call areas. There are three categories of which only 1 can be entered into, 80M only, 40M only & 80/40 combined. One night operation will be on 80M the other night will be 40M. For more details and a copy of the rules visit the following site: and click on the KDMG button.
Apr 17th, 2010 (Sat)
10:00 - 16:00 UTC
 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Radio Society of Great Britain iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : The RSGB Annual Meeting is to be live webcast on
All are welcome to watch,April 17th 1000 to 1600 UTC
Apr 23rd, 2010 (Fri)
10:00 - 11:45 UTC
 HARRY ANGEL SPRINT 80Metre Contest iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : Harry Angel Memorial Sprint 2010
2010 April 23rd Friday 1000z - 1146z
from Ian Godsil VK3JS Contest Manager

This year marks the 12th Anniversary of an annual Contest to remember VK's oldest licensed operator, Harry Angel. Please note the time length of the Contest - 106 minutes, Harry's age when he died in 1998. It is open to all HF operators.

Object is to make as many contacts as possible on band 80 metres, using
modes CW and SSB.
Category: Single Operator
Sections: CW, Phone, Mixed (please choose ONE ONLY).
Frequencies: CW: 3500 - 3535 kHz, Phone: 3550-3590 kHz; 3650-3665 kHz
Exchange RS(T) and serial number starting at 001.
Score two points per CW QSO and one point per Phone QSO.
Stations may be worked once only per mode. Logs must show time UTC, callsign worked, mode, RS(T), serial numbers sent and received for each QSO.
Sending Logs: Email is the preferred method to (Please note that even for email logs, the entrant's name, callsign and postal address are required, as per the Summary Sheet.)
Send Written Logs to Harry Angel Sprint, 121 Railway Parade, Seaford 3198, by 2010 May 7th Friday.
Send summary sheet showing name and date of Contest, name, address and callsign of entrant, category entered, points claimed and a declaration that the rules and spirit of the Contest were observed.
Notes: 1 Please submit your logs as soon as possible after the Contest and do not forget to include your postal address (you cannot know if you may be a section winner!!).
2. The VKCL logging program covers this contest. This way everything can be kept electronic.
3. Please make this a special effort to commemorate this 12th Anniversary within the WIA 100 Years celebrations.
Apr 24th, 2010 (Sat)
10:00 - 11:00 UTC
 Kiwi Digital Modes Group KDMG VK/ZL RTTY SPRINT iCal
Club: Callsign:
Brief Description :

Full Details : RTTY Sprint Contest for all VK & ZL Amateurs.
17th & 24th April 2010
This contest is open to all licensed amateurs residing in the VK-ZL Call areas. There are three categories of which only 1 can be entered into, 80M only, 40M only & 80/40 combined. One night operation will be on 80M the other night will be 40M. For more details and a copy of the rules visit the following site: and click on the KDMG button.
Apr 25th, 2010 (Sun)
12:00 - 23:00 AEST
 AM on ANZAC DAY - Tablelands Radio Group. iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK4
Brief Description :

Full Details : Get am, and cw, modes on air and being used by as many amateurs as possible.
A way for the Amateur Radio fraternity in Australia and New Zealand and other countries to show respect for our servicemen and servicewomen in the many conflicts that they have been involved in. This is a special day for Australia and New Zealand and this is a special way with which we can show our vetrans we remember them.
A lot of Amateur Radio people have served their countries and indeed still do and by using AM,and CW, we are using the modes that were used in world War 2, Korea, Malaysia, and early Viet Nam.
If as many netts and individuals use the AM/CW mode that day it will be a great event and if successful them it may be a yearly event which is purely social and mateship is the underlying theme.
For info contact Mike VK4MIK
Apr 28th, 2010 (Wed)
19:30 - 20:30 ACST
 Talk "Vertically Polarised Antennas" by Dean VK5LB iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK5
Brief Description :

Full Details : South Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc. (SA).
Talk by Dean VK5LB - Vertically Polarised Antennas.
Members and guests invited to a talk on the operation and construction of Vertically Polarised Antennas. Want to know more or get some ideas, please come along.
Will be held at Clubrooms - 16 Roberts Road, Hackham SA 5163.
Apr 30th, 2010 (Fri) -- May 6th, 2010 (Thu) ⇛
00:00 - 00:00 AEST
 FM CQ Repeater Contest, Westlakes Amateur Radio Club iCal
Club: Callsign:
State: VK2
Brief Description :

Full Details : Runs for 7 days MN 30 April to MN 7th May.
All contacts to be via an FM repeater. Aimed at activateing normally quite repeaters.
This is a fun event open to all VK's Full details on Westlakes Home page under contest link.
This may be the radio side of Westlakes WIA 100 celebrations, watch for more info.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)