WICEN Emergency Net Now On Echolink
Date :
26 /
02 /
Author :
Peter Young - VK3MV
The WICEN group continues to maintain support to the emergency service organisations as fires continue to burn after three weeks. In addition to providing operators at the Alexandra Incident Control Centre (ICC), WICEN has been asked to provide assistance with operators at three outer Melbourne ICC’ s.
Since Black Saturday (7th Feb), WICEN continues to maintain a listening watch on the frequency of 3600 kHz with daily nets at 1000 AEST (2300UTC), and 2130 AEST (1030 UTC).
Due to the considerable interest nationally and internationally, WICEN has enlisted the assistance of Tony, VK3JED, the moderator of the VKECOMM Echolink conference, to provide a live broadcast of the WICEN net at the above times.
To listen to the net via Echolink, go to the Conference Node and connect to VKEMCOMM. Stations will be muted for listen only and cannot login to the net via Echolink at this stage. IRLP nodes can also connect to reflector 9508 and listen to the net that way.
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