David Rankin VK3QV/9V1RH SK
Date :
20 /
03 /
Author :
Michael Owen - VK3KI
David Rankin VK3QV, 9V1RH passed away in Singapore on 19 March 2009.
David was always the enthusiastic amateur, originally involved with Victorian Division, then the Federal Executive, and was Federal Vice President for a number of years. For a number of years David worked for Hy Q the crystal maker, originally in Frankston, Victoria and went to Singapore when Hy Q established a factory there in 1972, met Adeline, married and lived in Singapore ever afterwards.
Living in Singapore he developed both a real interest in and understanding of amateur radio in the developing countries of what had become his part of the world. He actively participated in what had become his home society, Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (SARTS). He was a great supporter of SEANET. Hi real interest became IARU Region 3. He was secretary of IARU Region 3 from 1973 to 1982, Chairman of Region 3 from 1982 t0 1994, and a Director from 1994 to 1997. He enthusiastically welcomed his many Australian friends, mainly amateur, visiting Singapore.
He leaves Adeline and his two children, Sheila and Edward.
David enjoyed amateur radio and his many friends through amateur radio, but gave an enormous amount to amateur radio, most particularly and over very many years, through IARU Region 3.
The funeral service for David Rankin will be held at St Teresa's Church Singapore at 2.30 pm on 23 March.
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