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2009 News Releases




WIA Weekly News News Podcast Now Available On iTunes

Date : 27 / 05 / 2009
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

Listen to the weekly WIA news via your iPod
The WIA Weekly broadcast has launched itself into the world of Podcasting. You can now subscribe via the RSS link on the WIA news page with your favorite podcatcher software or you may choose to subscribe to the broadcast using Apples iTunes application. To subscibe to the weekly WIA news via iTunes simply click the following Link

Read the weekly news via your RSS newsreader.
We now offer you the option of subscribing to the text edition of our news service via your favorite RSS reader software. For those users of Mozilla Firefox web browser or recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, simply click the following Link to subscribe using your web browser.

Updated News Page Format on the WIA Website
You may have noticed that the WIA News page on the WIA website has been updated. The name of the weekly MP3 file has also been updated to incorporate the date of each weeks broadcast. This means we can now offer you the option of listening to the mp3 file or reading the text edition of any news broadcast, current or past. The last two weeks broadcasts are already available on the WIA website. To visit the WIA website news page simply click the News link on home page or under the members area menu, or alternately click the following Link

If you are a news re-broadcaster
If you rebroadcast the weekly WIA news either via simplex or repeater, please note the new mp3 file name format and be sure to download the latest weekly news from the WIA website. Additional information on how to automate downloads with the new filename format is being prepared and will be distributed to re-broadcasters via the re-broadcasters news group over the coming weeks. Please note the old wianews.mp3 filename is being phased out and will be discontinued once all re-broadcasters are taking the news in the updated filename format.

Additional information about Podcasting and where the name came from..
Podcasting was created by former MTV personality Adam Curry. Podcasting is a term to describe the technology used to automatically download audio content from a websites to someone who has chosen to subscribe to the content. In many cases a subscriber will listen to the downloaded audio on their iPod (hence the "pod") or other audio player that supports mp3 format.

The term podcasting is meant to rhyme with broadcasting and is a derivative of the name iPod. (Apples MP3 player)

Podcasting uses an XML-based technology called RSS, wich stands for Really Simple Syndication. Content publishers such as the WIA describe the weekly news content in an XML RSS file which includes dates, titles, descriptions, and link to MP3 an text edition file. This auto-generated file is called an RSS feed.

What makes podcasting special is the ability to allow individuals to publish (podcast) radioshows which can be subscribed to. Before podcasting it was possible to record a radio show and put it on a website in mp3 format, what podcasting offers is the ability to automatically download the latest new shows.


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