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2009 News Releases




Special program of activities for Centenary year 2010

Date : 07 / 10 / 2009
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

This week the WIA is pleased to announce its Centenary celebrations, in recognition of the foundation of the WIA and the very start of organised amateur radio in Australia during 1910.

Among the activities to celebrate the centenary are a special call sign VK100WIA, the WIA Centenary Award, promotion of amateur radio through public events plus merchandise and memorabilia. The launch of the program of events and activities follows 18 months of planning by the WIA Centenary Committee comprising of David Wardlaw VK3ADW, Peter Wolfenden VK3RV, Jim Linton VK3PC and Robert Broomhead VK3DN.

A special issue call sign VK100WIA will be used by the WIA itself in May and shared amongst the WIA's affiliated radio clubs until the end of October. Clubs may book online to register for a three day time slot to put the call sign to air. As WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI wrote in the comment section on page one of this month's Amateur Radio magazine, clubs are encouraged to consider ways to use the call sign in conjunction with other activities. This week instructions on how to register online for the VK100WIA call sign have been sent to the secretaries of each WIA affiliated radio club.

A limited edition WIA Centenary Award has been developed with the assistance of the WIA's Award Committee. Contact with VK100WIA will be required to qualify for award. Full details of the award are available by clicking the following Link

The VK100WIA QSL card, WIA Centenary Award certificate, A1 size display posters and a range of clothing and other memorabilia all bear the WIA commemorative logo, created by the WIA's designer Ivan Smith. The WIA is pleased to offer members and affiliated clubs the use of the commemorative logo for their their QSL cards and websites. The logo and usage guidelines may be downloaded by clicking the following Link

An A1 size WIA Centenary poster is currently on the press and will shortly be distributed to radio clubs with a companion Calling CQ poster and a pack of calling CQ brochures. The posters are ideal for public display and promoting the hobby of amateur radio. Members may purchase copies of the posters for the shack wall, they are just $10 each plus delivery from the Centenary merchandise web page where you will also find an extensive range of Limited Edition Centenary merchandise on sale. Click the following Link to visit the merchandise page.

A key element of the Centenary celebrations will be the 2010 WIA AGM weekend of activities to be held in Canberra. The weekend will be a major event incorporating some special presentations, activities, events and the WIA's annual general meeting and open forum which will be held on the Saturday afternoon. Once the program has been finalised full details will published on the WIA website and a printed brochure with registration form will be sent to members in Amateur Radio magazine.

So please let us know of your ideas and plans on how you can be involved in celebrating this very special event. A dedicated email address has been set up for all inquiries relating to the WIA Centenary it is


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