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2005 News Releases




A report on Melbourne's Eastern & Mountains District Radio Club White Elephant Sale

Date : 08 / 03 / 2005
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

Melbourne's Eastern & Mountains District Radio Club (EMDRC) White Elephant Sale was held on Sunday, March 6. The White Elephant Sales (or WES) is one of VK3's biggest hamfests, with this years event being no exception seeing Amateurs travelling from all over Victoria to be part of this special day.

The National WIA was once again in attendance with its new corporate stand proudly show casing its range of updated promotional material and new WIA merchandise.

This is the second appearance for the new WIA stand, the first appearance being last months Wyong field day. Vice President Ewan McLeod along with Director Rob Broomhead were in attendance and were ably assisted by Emma Tebilco from the WIA National office. "WIA membership was being promoted and we had such an encouraging response with no fewer than ten people joining the WIA as first time members and countless others who took the opportunity to renew their existing membership. It was a great day and a fantastic opportunity for Ewan, Emma and I to meet and have a chat with our local troops. We have really appreciated the overwhelming support and many kind words of encouragement for the work being done" Robert said. WIA president, Michael Owen was unable to attend as he was visiting the Alice Springs radio club on the same weekend.


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