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2006 News Releases



WIA Assessor Training 2006

31/ 03/ 2006   A once this year opportunity in Townsville !
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Briar Hill School in Victoria to contact the International Space Station

24/ 03/ 2006   Briar Hill Primary School students will be asking Bill McArthur a series of questions as the ISS passes over Australia at 09:00 UTC on the 31st of March.
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New bookshop catalogue is available

22/ 03/ 2006   A new bookshop catalogue is available, with publications of interest to radio amateurs and electronics enthusiasts.
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Austria verifies BPL complaints

18/ 03/ 2006   Austria's Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) has verified the interference complaints of HF users in Linz, where a BPL (PLC, or power line communication) system is being operated on a commercial basis.
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Solar cycle forecast breakthrough

18/ 03/ 2006   The next sunspot cycle will be 30-50 per cent stronger than its predecessor and will begin as much as a year later than previous forecasts, according to scientists from the US-based National Centre for Atmospheric Research.
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Radio Amateurs of Canada Forms Advisory Committee on a New Entry Level Licence

18/ 03/ 2006   The RAC Board of Directors has authorized the formation of an Advisory Committee under the leadership of Midwest Director Bj Madsen, VE5FX, to examine whether Industry Canada should be asked to institute a new Entry Level Certificate for the Amateur Service in Canada.
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Proposed BPL trials in Melbourne

15/ 03/ 2006   Newly formed telco Silk Telecom is gearing up to commence a trial of broadband over powerline (BPL) technology in Melbourne
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Foundation licensees prominent in the last Subaru sponsored Rally of Canberra

15/ 03/ 2006   Five new foundation licensees participated in the rally on the weekend of March 11 and 12, they were Darren VK1FDZS, Brad VK1FRST, Shane VK1FSRB, Sam VK1FLA (14y) and Phil VK1FPWH.
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FCC Directs Manassas BPL System to Act Following Ham's Interference Complaint

10/ 03/ 2006   Responding to a radio amateur's interference complaint, the FCC has directed the City of Manassas, Virginia, and its BPL system operator COMTek to conduct measurements to ensure its system complies with FCC Part 15 rules.
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AX3 MCG/GAMES Where-When

10/ 03/ 2006   Amateur Radio Victoria members have been asking where and when they can expect to hear and work the two special event callsigns AX3MCG and AX3GAMES.
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The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) issue the 250th VK Foundation Licence

04/ 03/ 2006   During the Week of February 27, four short months since it's introduction, ACMA has issued the 250th foundation licence.
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WIA Awards Office is moving

01/ 03/ 2006   Please be advised the WIA Awards Office is moving to a new larger office. The transitional period will be between 1 March and 15th April 2006.
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Commonwealth Games Special Event Stations

01/ 03/ 2006   On air for the entire month of March are special event stations - AX3GAMES and AX3MCG - being activated by members of Amateur Radio Victoria in celebration of the Melbourne Commonwealth Games.
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A Foundation Licence course in Melbourne with some vacant space

01/ 03/ 2006   The Frankston and Morington Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (Famparc) in the Bayside area of Melbourne, are now offering places for their April Foundation Licence Course.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)