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2017 News Releases



A message from the 2017 Wireless Institute of Australia Board election returning officer.

31/ 03/ 2017   Dear Members of the WIA. I have had the pleasure of working with many members of the WIA over the last 6 months or so, and am impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of those with whom I came into contact.
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ACMA "Deed" with the WIA discussed by Senate Committee hearing

30/ 03/ 2017   The Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee discussed a range of matters with the ACMA on Friday March 24, including the contract between it and the WIA for the provision of examination related services.
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Volunteers Needed For WIA Monitoring System

19/ 03/ 2017   Wireless Institute of Australia observers looking for intruders on the ‘Primary’ frequencies of the Amateur Service on high frequency bands in 2016 found more than five thousand intrusions.
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WIA office reopens after audit closure

17/ 03/ 2017   The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has been able to reopen its office in Bayswater today (Friday March 17), after two days closure that concentrated of financial audit matters. Kidmans Partners, a registered Company Auditor, have completed their work in the office.
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Lake Boga Flying Boat Anniversary on air

13/ 03/ 2017   To commemorate the RAAF No. 1 Flying Boat Repair and Service Depot 75th anniversary an Amateur Radio station VI3FB75 will be at Lake Boga, northwest Victoria.
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Amateur of the Year award to ARISS leader

09/ 03/ 2017   The prestigious Dayton Hamvention top award for 2017 goes to the ARISS International Chair, Frank Bauer KA3HDO, for his major contributions to Amateur Radio.
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The ACMA and WIA meeting

08/ 03/ 2017   The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) met with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) in Canberra on Friday February 24.
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Important Message about Proxies for the AGM

05/ 03/ 2017   A draft version of the proxy form was sent to the printer for inclusion in AR magazine. The form was different to the version published on the website. The difference between the forms has caused some confusion, and discussion about their validity, on social media.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)