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2005 News Releases



Ham Radio Saves a Ham in Alaska

28/ 02/ 2005   In the following story read how Ham Radio Saves a Ham in Alaska
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The Worlds First IRLP Contest

27/ 02/ 2005   Type a short description here
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Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act of 2005 Introduced into US House of Reps

27/ 02/ 2005   In the following story read how the Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act of 2005 Introduced into US House of Reps
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It's time to start work on the 2006 Call book.

23/ 02/ 2005   It is that time of year again and the call book production team needs your help.
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Opposition to Possible BPL Radio Interference Continues to Grow

22/ 02/ 2005   With each passing day more and more organisations and individuals continue to express grave reservations regarding the radio interference potential of BPL.
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Another Very Successful NSW Central Coast Field Day

20/ 02/ 2005   The VK2 annual Central Coast Field Day was held on Sunday, February 20 and was as usual very well attended.
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John Moyle Field Day Contest 2005

14/ 02/ 2005   The John Moyle field day will be held over the weekend of March 19 and 20, 2005.
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The National WIA stand at the Central Coast Field Day

13/ 02/ 2005   Most members of the National WIA board including the president Michael Owen, VK3KI will attend the Central Coast Field day on Sunday, February 20.
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IARU Region 3 Appoints New Officials

12/ 02/ 2005   Peter Lake ZL2AZ has been appointed to the IARU Region 3 Council to fill the vacancy created by the death of the Peter Naish VK2BPN.
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Archived National WIA News Now Available

11/ 02/ 2005   It is now possible to listen to past weekly news broadcasts via MP3 on the WIA site.
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A very well presented petition to the FCC on BPL by Lee McVey W6EM

10/ 02/ 2005   A very well presented petition to the FCC on BPL by Lee McVey W6EM
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Your WIA Needs Intruder Watchers

10/ 02/ 2005   Non-amateur stations operating in exclusive amateur bands pose a great threat to our hobby. The only effective way to counter this threat is by monitoring and documenting the intruders.
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ACA Seeks Expressions Of Interest In Private Band Management

01/ 02/ 2005   Read how the ACA Seeks Expressions Of Interest In Private Band Management
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ARRL Tells FCC to "Reconsider, Rescind and Restudy" BPL Order

01/ 02/ 2005   Read how the ARRL Tells FCC to "Reconsider, Rescind and Restudy" BPL Order
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Sparks Fly Over Power Line Internet Trials

01/ 02/ 2005   PC World reports how Sparks Fly Over Power Line Internet Trials
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BPL Legal Wrangles Continue in Austrian City

01/ 02/ 2005   In the following story read how the BPL Legal Wrangles Continue in Austrian City
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)