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2005 News Releases




The first ever IOTA activity from Egypt using the callsign SU8IOTA

Date : 12 / 04 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Mohamed El Kafrawi, SU1KM, General .Secretary of the of EARA (Egypt Amateur Radio Assembly). That the first ever IOTA activity from Egypt will be on air from the Disuqi (also know as Nelson) Island in the Mediterranean Sea. The duration of the DX expedition is from 23 April 2005 until 1 May 2005.

The operators participating in the expedition are, Hossam (SU1HM), Said Kamel (SU1SK), Tarek (SU2TA) and Sayed (SU1SA). Activity will be on 160 through 6 meters on the usual DX and IOTA frequencies. For Modes and updates please check the following Link. Nelson Island lies approximately 20 kilometers east of the Egyptian port of Alexandria, four kilometers north of Cape Aboukir and guards the northern approach of Aboukir Bay, which is the western part of the Nile Delta. In

antiquity, Aboukir Bay provided one of the primary commercial routes leading into the Nile River and consequently became a major commercial and religious centre. The position of Nelson Island ensured that it too became an important site and also one of great archaeological importance.

Mohamed El Kafrawi, SU1KM Gen.Secretary of the E-ARA


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