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2010 News Releases



First meeting of the Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club

30/ 03/ 2010   The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club VK3RA recently made a solid launch as Victoria’s newest amateur radio club.
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Calling CQ all WIA Members going to Dayton

30/ 03/ 2010   Calling CQ CQ all WIA Members attending the Dayton Hamvention during the 14th through 16th of May 2010.
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2010 WIA Grants scheme

30/ 03/ 2010   Friday 30th July is the closing date for applications for the WIA Club Grants Scheme for 2010.
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Announcing a QRP contest for the Centenary

27/ 03/ 2010   The VK QRP Club is sponsoring a new commemorative contest that should have very wide appeal and be a lot of fun too.
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Amateur Radio New South Wales New Building Opened

20/ 03/ 2010   Amateur Radio New South Wales new building was formally opened on Sunday 14th March.
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ARNSW Centenary Celebration 1910 – 2010

19/ 03/ 2010   On Sunday 14th March 2010 "Amateur Radio New South Wales opened its new building at the VK2WI Dural site and at the same time celebrated its formation 100 years ago.
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WIA Centenary Convention in Canberra

14/ 03/ 2010   Don't miss your opportunity for a once in a lifetime walk through of the inner workings of the Black Mountain Communications Tower.
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Neil Penfold State AR Centre Opening

14/ 03/ 2010   An estimated crowd of 150 people traveled from metropolitan Perth and from country locations as far away as Kalgoorlie to attend the official opening today of the Neil Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre at Whiteman Park.
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High praise for Radio Club de Chile (RCCH)

13/ 03/ 2010   As parts of earthquake-hit Chile again this week were shaken by severe aftershocks there has been further news of the role of radio amateurs, including them being a highly sought after reliable source of information.
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WIA National Inwards QSL Bureau Changes

05/ 03/ 2010   Following a review of the current inwards Bureau operation, the WIA Board agreed to change the arrangements for Inward Bureau operation.
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Emergency communications in earthquake-hit Chile

03/ 03/ 2010   Sad news continues to be received about the loss of life and property, and hardship being experienced following the February 27 earthquake in Chile.
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WIA at the 2010 Wyong Field Day

03/ 03/ 2010   The WIA was in attendance at the Wyong Field Day held at the Wyong Racecourse on Sunday 28 February 2010.
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Doncaster Primary School talks to the ISS

02/ 03/ 2010   David Kay, a teacher from Doncaster Primary school reports on our most recent contact with the ISS.
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Dick Smith Patron of the WIA's Centenary Celebrations

02/ 03/ 2010   The WIA is very pleased to announce that Dick Smith VK2DIK has agreed to be Patron of the WIA’s Centenary Celebrations.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)