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2010 News Releases



WIA Centenary Celebration - Canberra

31/ 01/ 2010   Planning is well advanced for the WIA Centenary activities taking place in Canberra, the nation’s capital, over the weekend Friday 28th through Sunday 30th of May 2010, the event being just part of the year-long WIA Centenary celebrations.
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Group formed to save Honeysuckle Creek dish

22/ 01/ 2010   The Honeysuckle Creek dish that brought the Apollo 11 moon walk images to the world’s TV screens is slated to become little more than a statue near Canberra.
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On the air in the UK - Australia Day weekend

20/ 01/ 2010   The Lincoln Short Wave Club in the UK we will be QRV for an Australia breakfast Day on Sunday 24th January 2010, the weekend closest to Australia Day, the event is organised by Lincoln City Council.
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Are you on Facebook?

20/ 01/ 2010   Are you an Amateur Radio Operator and a Firefighter, either fulltime or Volunteer, or a Paramedic and are you on Facebook?
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Radio hams flee Haiti after convoy fired on

18/ 01/ 2010   Eight radio amateurs from Radio Club Dominicano (RCD) who were operating under the callsign HI8RCD/HH have had to abort their operations after the convoy they were travelling in was fired on.
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Ham team pulls out of Haiti

17/ 01/ 2010   Radio amateurs from the Dominican Republic have installed an amateur voice repeater link between their country and earthquake hit Haiti, but their plan to do much more in terms of emergency communications had to be cut short due to civil unrest.
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One ham in Haiti makes contact with outside world

14/ 01/ 2010   Reverend John Henault HH6JH amid the earthquake devastated Haiti has been on the 20m band IARU Centre of Activity frequency for emergency communications 14.300 MHz.
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Massive earthquake hits Haiti

12/ 01/ 2010   Following the devastation to Haiti caused by an earthquake, nothing has been heard from radio amateurs in that Caribbean nation.
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VI2AJ2010 Calling CQ

10/ 01/ 2010   One of the biggest thing happening this summer is the 22nd Australian Scout Jamboree being held at Cataract Scout Park near Appin about 60km South of Sydney.
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Special incentive for this years VHF-UHF Field Days

09/ 01/ 2010   The WIA conducts three Field Day contests each year for the VHF-UHF and Microwave bands, these are in Summer, Winter and Spring.
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New Peace Messenger Cities contest announced.

06/ 01/ 2010   Rajko Vavdi- S54X from radio club S59DCD has written to the WIA and asked for our help publicising a brand new World Wide PMC contest which will take place on the 9th and 10th of January 2010.
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Sixty three registered for the WIA's Emergency Communciations Training

04/ 01/ 2010   Just thirty days from the announcement of the WIA Emergency Communications Training package sixty three people have registered their interest by completing the online application form.
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Year-long Centenary celebrations start

01/ 01/ 2010   Celebrating the Centenary of Organised Amateur Radio in Australia has now begun and will continue during the entire year 2010 through a variety of program events and activities.
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FGARC ready to go for the Jamboree

01/ 01/ 2010   After nearly a year of preparation, the Fisher’s Ghost Amateur Radio Club has the Amateur Radio Shack and activity ready to go when the Australian Scout Jamboree commences on 4th January 2010.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)