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2011 News Releases



John Moyle Memorial Field Day Reminder

31/ 03/ 2011   So we have received about 70 logs and there has been plenty of contesting completed during the contest.
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Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club Runs First Foundation Course

21/ 03/ 2011   The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club ran its first foundation course over two weekends in February bringing new folk to the amateur bands and bolstering their membership.
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Amateur Radio Gets People Talking

19/ 03/ 2011   So far a few clubs are registered for our hobby's big public relations event, World Amateur Radio Day the 17th of April.
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WIA National Office Formal Opening

19/ 03/ 2011   WIA members and friends are invited to attend the formal opening of the WIA premises at Unit 20, 11-13 Havelock Road, Bayswater, Victoria at 4:00pm Saturday, April 2nd 2011.
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Amateur Radio in Space: Hams Invited to Track Satellites

18/ 03/ 2011   In November 2010, five research satellites were carried to orbit aboard a Minotaur V rocket from Kodiak Island, Alaska.
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Yaesu Temporarily Suspends Production After Earthquake

17/ 03/ 2011   Production of Yaesu radios at Vertex Standard's factory in Fukushima, Japan, has been temporarily halted due to earthquake damage. All Vertex Standard employees and their families are said to be safe.
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Tracking the status of fabs in wake of disaster

16/ 03/ 2011   The massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that rocked Japan last week halted semiconductor production in many locations, damaging fabs and production equipment. At least a dozen fabs in northern Japan remain off line and some companies have reported that employees sustained injuries.
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Earthquake disaster facts emerge

15/ 03/ 2011   Japan remains under its worst threat to an ever rising toll, widespread destruction, power, fuel and water shortages follow the massive earthquake, tsunami and failed 40-year old nuclear power station.
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Situation worsens after triple disasters hit Japan

14/ 03/ 2011   Damage following the worst earthquake in 140 years and a tsumani that wiped away part of north-east Japan, comes news of power outages caused by major trouble at a nuclear power station.
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Widespread earthquake and tsunami damage

12/ 03/ 2011   It has been 24 hours since the worst earthquake for 140 years hit off north-eastern Sendai registering 8.9 on the Richter scale and triggering a tsunami.
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Big quake hits Japan

12/ 03/ 2011   An earthquake, the worst in 140 years has hit Japan. A wide tsunami was observed after the 8.9 on the Richter scale earthquake that occurred during the afternoon peak time. There were also a number of strong aftershocks reported.
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Change of IARU Region 3 Secretary

10/ 03/ 2011   The Directors of IARU Region 3 very much regret to announce the resignation for personal reasons of Seiichi (Jay) Oka JA1TRC as Secretary of IARU Region 3 from 9 March 2011.
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Technical Article - dB or not dB?

07/ 03/ 2011   Everything you ever wanted to know about decibels but were afraid to askā€¦
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2010 IARU HF World Championships Results.

07/ 03/ 2011   The IARU has released a comprehensive 14 page report covering the results of the 2010 HF World Championships.
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New WIA Secretary

01/ 03/ 2011   The WIA has announced the resignation of Geoff Atkinson VK3TL as WIA Secretary and the appointment of Sarah Thompson VK3AUD as the new Secretary.
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WIA Extends Emergency Communications Training

01/ 03/ 2011   Following the success of the first series of courses, and with almost 100 people registered for future training, the WIA has extended its Emergency Communications Operator Training Scheme to all Australian licensed radio amateurs.
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Amateur Television history made.

01/ 03/ 2011   On Wednesday evening, 23 February 2011, Digital Amateur Television signals from Victoria were received in the northwest of VK7 by Winston VK7EM.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)