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2011 News Releases



Mobile Fox Hunt On The Golden Goal

29/ 04/ 2011   Late last year the WIA Australian ARDF coordinator Jack Bramham VK3WWW reported that a Norwgian television show by the name of "The Golden Goal" had contacted him in regard to the possible filming of a segment on ARDF and foxhunting in Australia.
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2011 Club Grant Scheme Announced

28/ 04/ 2011   The WIA Board, at its recent face to face meeting, decided to allocate $6,000 to the Club Grant Scheme for 2011.
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2010 Club Grant Results Announced

28/ 04/ 2011   The WIA Board, at it recent face to face meeting, considered the recommendations it had received in respect of applications for Club Grants for 2010.
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VK1WIA Is Off To Mars !

27/ 04/ 2011   And you can come along for the ride! Yes now YOU can send your call sign to Mars. NASA are collecting names to be put on a microchip that'll be onboard the Mars Science Laboratory rover heading to Mars Later this year.
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WIA National Field Day

22/ 04/ 2011   Many contributed greatly to raise the public's awareness of Amateur Radio on last Sunday. A summary of what happened follows.
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ACMA to Review Amateur Station Inspections Program

20/ 04/ 2011   Following the President's "Comment" published in the April 2011 issue of Amateur Radio magazine, WIA Directors Michael Owen and Peter Young met with senior ACMA staff.
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Amateur radio continuing to help in Japan

16/ 04/ 2011   The amateur radio activity is continuing to help those mainly within the disaster recovery area struck by the worst earthquake in Japan in 140 years.
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Plenty registered, even more welcome

13/ 04/ 2011   Some 30-odd clubs and groups will reach out to the public this Sunday during the Tune-In to the World, Amateur Radio gets people talking - WIA National Field Day.
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Our national day of amateur radio promotion

11/ 04/ 2011   Tune-In To The World - amateur radio gets people talking, the WIA National Field Day on Sunday the 17th of April as a bold outreaching initiative to show the public the educational, recreational and social activity now enjoyed by three million people worldwide.
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WIA Membership Fees

09/ 04/ 2011   The WIA Board has announced an increase for some WIA subscription rates and has created a special category for younger students.
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All set for a public relations event

07/ 04/ 2011   Thank you to the 25 clubs and groups registered already for the WIA National Field Day to be held this month. Each has registered on-line for the event that marks World Amateur Radio Day, celebrated throughout the nation on Sunday the 17th of April.
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Japan Disaster Puts Historic Hurt On Chip Industry

05/ 04/ 2011   No other disaster has hurt the worldwide computer chip industry more than last month's earthquake and tsunami in Japan, according to analysts.
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The Official Opening Of Andersson House - WIA National Headquarters

04/ 04/ 2011   The WIA premises has been named "Andersson House" in honour of Henry Andersson VK8HA, an Honorary Life Member of the WIA, who passed away October 6 2004. He left his property at Humpty Doo, near Darwin, to the WIA. That generous bequest provided much of the funds needed to enable the purchase.
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Live Television Broadcast of the WIA National Office Opening

01/ 04/ 2011   Saturdays formal opening and dedication of the WIA in memory of the late Henry Andersson VK8HA will now be broadcast live via Melbourne's VK3RTV amateur television repeater and viewable worldwide via the BATC ATV website.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)