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2016 News Releases



New VK5 Inwards QSL Bureau

24/ 02/ 2016   Following the resignation of Stephan Forka VK5RZ as the VK5 QSL Inwards Bureau, the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group (AREG) of Adelaide has volunteered to take on the role.
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Lo-Key magazine looks at the war years

23/ 02/ 2016   he March issue of Lo-Key, the journal of the VK QRP Club and CW Operators' QRP Club, contains an interesting article on 'Amateur Radio activity during WWII'.
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The ACMA licence renewal process - explained

19/ 02/ 2016   The ACMA will cancel your callsign if it doesn’t receive a response to your renewal invoice within a limited time after the expiry date.
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New appointment in the WIA office

19/ 02/ 2016   The WIA Board of Directors has appointed a new Executive Administrator for its office in the Melbourne suburb of Bayswater.
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Retiring ARRL CEO honoured by the IARU

17/ 02/ 2016   The International Amateur Radio Union President Tim Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA has presented David Sumner K1ZZ with the IARU’s prestigious Michael J. Owen, VK3KI, Memorial Award.
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Wanted ! New recruits across the entire demographic

13/ 02/ 2016   The Wireless Institute of Australia continues to seek recruits to Amateur Radio and its diverse activities across a broad range of ages and backgrounds.
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JARL celebrates its 90 years

10/ 02/ 2016   The Japan Amateur Radio League JARL is marking its 90th birthday with a range of events including the 'JARL 90th Anniversary Award'.
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IARU promotes emergency communications

10/ 02/ 2016   International Amateur Radio Union President, Tim Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA told the Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications that Amateur Radio is probably more relevant now than it was 25 years ago.
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Hams part of emergency exercise

10/ 02/ 2016   The US National Guard had its Operation Seismos, an earthquake drill on February 3-6, and used radio amateurs to transmit messages as it accessed community disaster resources.
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Executive Administrator interviews and appointment

02/ 02/ 2016   In response to the advertised new senior role of WIA Executive Administrator, there were 43 applications received. These have been short-listed to six, who are now being interviewed.
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WIA talk at the Westlakes well received

01/ 02/ 2016   The Wireless Institute of Australia gave an insight on its operation and the busy agenda, in an address to the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club at Newcastle, New South Wales.
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)