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2012 News Releases



WIA Board Meets

22/ 02/ 2012   The WIA Board met at the Bayswater, Victoria offices over last weekend, the 18 and 19 February 2012.
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ACMA Publishes Details of Amateur Higher Transmitter Power Trials

22/ 02/ 2012   The ACMA has published on its website details of the trial of higher power transmitter output for Advanced amateur licensees.
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Dont Throw Away Your March AR Magazine Mailing Address Sheet !

21/ 02/ 2012   Dont throw away your AR mailing address sheet included with your March AR magazine, use the details on the sheet to register for WIA member website access.
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VK4SN New RD Contest Manager

19/ 02/ 2012   The WIA Board meeting in Melbourne over the weekend of 18/19 February 2012 appointed Alan Shannon VK4SN the new Contest Manager for the WIA Remembrance Day Contest, following the retirement of Peter Harding VK4OD. He will be supported in this role by the Lockyer Valley Radio & Electronics Club Inc.
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The Eric Jamieson Indian Ocean Awards Announced

19/ 02/ 2012   The WIA Board, meeting in Melbourne over the weekend of 18/19 February 2012 accepted the offer of Eric Jamieson VK5LP to sponsor awards for the first amateur radio contacts on the two metre band spanning the Indian Ocean between Australia and Africa.
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Election of Directors 2012

19/ 02/ 2012   A notice calling for nominations from people seeking election as a director of the WIA, in addition to the three retiring directors who stood for re-election, was published in the December 2011 issue of AR magazine.
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Agenda for next WRC now includes an amateur allocation around 5 MHz

16/ 02/ 2012   At 4.20 in the morning of 16 February 2012 the Plenary of WRC12, which had been sitting for 9 hours without a break, passed a Resolution entitled "Possible allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis at around 5 300 kHz."
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WRC-12 Allocates 472-479 kHz to Amateur Secondary

15/ 02/ 2012   The ITU’s 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) has decided to allocate the band 472-479 kHz across all three ITU regions to the amateur service on a secondary basis.
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Tune-In To The World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking

11/ 02/ 2012   Tune-In To The World - Amateur Radio Gets People Talking the WIA National Field Day Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of April 2012.
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WRC-12 Enters Third Week

09/ 02/ 2012   The ITU’s 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) has now entered its third week, with only one further week to follow.
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Central Philippines earthquake update

08/ 02/ 2012   Communications have been set up on HF as the emergency activity of amateur radio becomes established in the earthquake and landslide hit areas.
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Earthquake hits, radio amateurs act

07/ 02/ 2012   Effects continue across the central Philippines after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck triggering landslides with dozens of people killed and many trapped in toppled homes.
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Six meter licence conditions remain in force

04/ 02/ 2012   The ACMA announced today that the existing Amateur Service licence conditions for six meter operation will continue to remain in force.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)