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2015 News Releases



Are you going to Gallipoli?

26/ 03/ 2015   The Türkiye Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) wants to know the names and callsigns of any Australian and New Zealand radio amateurs who will be on the Gallipoli Peninsula for ANZAC Day this year.
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War Cemeteries and Memorials

21/ 03/ 2015   Many who left the shores of Australia to serve in WWI did not return. The same happened during WWII. One of the war graves and memorials for fallen Australians is Polygon Wood in Belgium.
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Vanuatu cyclone recovery has lack of immediate emergency communications

18/ 03/ 2015   Tropical Cyclone Pam caused severe damage when it hit the Pacific nation of Vanuatu last weekend.
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ACMA seeks comment on remaking the Amateur LCD, changes to 9cm band

14/ 03/ 2015   The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is seeking comment on a proposal to remake the Amateur LCD and the Class Licence enabling overseas amateurs visiting Australia to operate here.
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Wireless Institute of Australia Merit Awards

14/ 03/ 2015   The Board of the WIA at its discretion makes awards to members for their contribution to Amateur Radio. These awards are usually presented at the WIA’s Annual Conference and AGM.
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WIA 2015 AGM Weekend Canberra - Registrations Are Now Open

13/ 03/ 2015   The online registration form is now available for the 2015 WIA AGM weekend. You will find the online registration form under the News and events menu.
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NASA Moon Bounce Signal Heard

07/ 03/ 2015   When the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) decided to bounce a signal off the moon, it had listeners around the world including at Mildura and Geelong.
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VI8ANZAC very popular

05/ 03/ 2015   The Darwin Amateur Radio Club (DARC) has completed its activation of the VI8ANZAC callsign as part of the reinactment of the journey by Albert Chalmers Borella to enlist in WWI.
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QSL Collection Report

01/ 03/ 2015   During 2015 some major work has been carried out to tidy up the WIA Bayswater factory space behind the WIA Office. This work included the QSL collection area.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)