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2015 News Releases




Turkey plays its part in commemorations

Date : 29 / 04 / 2015
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

The involvement of the Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) at Gallipoli on ANZAC Day and elsewhere in Turkey using TC100 prefixed commemorative stations has been very successful. Aziz Sasa TA1E reports that many contacts on HF were made, along with EchoLink. Details from the logs will form part of a Ministry of Interior routine audit for all public utilities.

Only after that audit will details of contacts made by the nine TC100 prefix stations, including those with VK and ZL. Earlier a report by VI3ANZAC included a TC100 contact in its log. Aziz TA1E said it was unfortunate that hams were not permitted to take their hand-held rigs into the ceremony area. He said the restrictions made by the Australian authorities in charge, was in contrast to the use of mobile phones that were permitted.

TRAC had its Echolink and repeater system in place and working well into the area, but with the visitors from Australia and New Zealand equipped with hand-helds, they could not be used. A meeting by TRAC with June Sim VK4JS in Istanbul was to include a hand-over of a small present prepared for the hams participating in the ceremony.


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