VK100ANZAC at Canberra
Date :
22 /
04 /
Author :
Jim Linton - VK3PC
Taking to the air from dawn in Australia on ANZAC Day April 25, will be VK100ANZAC at Mt Ainslie in Canberra with a commemorative broadcast by Amateur Radio paying tribute to all service men and women. That broadcast will be on multiple bands at 0430 hours AEST. It will have an ANZAC Centenary message from the Australian Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, and a tribute by the Wireless Institute of Australia President (WIA), Phil Wait VK2ASD.
Later on ANZAC Day, at 1430 hours AEST which is dawn at Gallipoli, WIA President Phil Wait VK2ASD is to initiate an official ANZAC 100 event opening between the WIA, New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) and the Türkiye Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti (TRAC). All other ANZAC-suffixed callsigns throughout Australia, and other commemorative stations for the Centenary of Gallipoli, have been asked to not transmit during the commemorative broadcast, and remain silent for the 30-minute Echolink contact.
All ANZAC-suffixed stations are to re-play or read its broadcast text, prior to their commemorative event held on ANZAC Day. This is a major venture made possible by the WIA President, Phil VK2ASD, Directors Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Fred Swainston VK3DAC, and members of the Canberra Radio Society.
While on HF, the activation also includes equipment on the elevated Mt Ainslie lookout using the microwave 10 GHz band. Dale Hughes VK1DSH and Ted Garnett VK1BL are expected to make contact with the 10 GHz transmissions by VK100ANZAC on Saturday morning.
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