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2011 News Releases



Antenna Height Regulations- NSW Planning Review

29/ 09/ 2011   Radio amateurs view their antenna structures as things of beauty, but not everyone shares those sentiments. Everyone would agree large antennas should be subject to the development approval process, but what about antennas lower than say 10 metres?
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Successful 8th IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships Concludes

28/ 09/ 2011   The 8th IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships concluded on Tuesday evening, 27 September, with a banquet and award ceremony in the Baringhup Community Hall
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WIA Hosts IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships in Goldfields country

25/ 09/ 2011   98 competitors from teams from Australia, Malaysia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Japan, China and the USA together with 26 international officials and many of the 58 volunteers assembled in the Community Hall in Maldon, Victoria, Australia for the opening of the IARU Region 3 ARDF Championships, being hosted by the Wireless Institute of Australia.
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Day Two - The 8th IARU ARDF Championships

24/ 09/ 2011   Day two of the 8th IARU Region 3 ARDF championships included a Model event, a combination street orienteering and fox-or-ing event and the official opening ceremony.
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Day One - The 8th IARU ARDF Championships

23/ 09/ 2011   Well the big day is finally here and the last bus load of overseas competitors has just arrived in Maldon at the Blue Light Camp.
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An Australian First ?

14/ 09/ 2011   In what is believed to be an Australian first, members of Melbourne's EMDRC are taking their enthusiasm for amateur television to the next level.
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WIA National Field Day

13/ 09/ 2011   The WIA National Field Day has been run twice within the last 12 Months with an steady increase in the numbers taking part as indicated by the logs, photos & other responses received.
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APT Meeting Concludes in Busan

07/ 09/ 2011   Dale Hughes VK1DSH was a member of the Australian delegation to the fifth APG2012 meeting ("APG2011-5") in the series of conference meetings organised by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), preparing for WRC-2012, held in Busan, Korea.
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APG Continues in Busan, Korea

01/ 09/ 2011    The 5th meeting of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity’s Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-12, the APG meeting, which started on Monday 29 August continues in Busan, Korea.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)