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2005 News Releases




A Reminder of the Annual General Meeting

Date : 29 / 04 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

On 7 May 2005 the Wireless Institute of Australia will be conducting its first Annual General Meeting since the adoption of its new Constitution when it became a single national body, and a special program has been arranged by the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club for those attending.

The Annual General Meeting will be held Hall, at the Italo Australia Club, 78 Franklin Street, Forrest, ACT at 2.00 pm and will be immediately followed by the Open Forum. This will finish no later than 5 pm.

Special arrangements have been made for WIA members wishing to stay in Canberra at the Forrest Inn, National Circuit, Forrest. Accommodation cost is $105.00 bed only as a twin share, or bed and breakfast at $125.00.

To get this rate, you need to advise that you are attending the WIA AGM and secure the booking with a credit card. Bookings can be made on 02 6295 3433 or 1800 676 372.

This offer is on a first come first served basis, though if we run out of accommodation there too quickly, we will try and make further arrangements.

The WIA will conduct its Annual Dinner for all wishing to attend at 7 pm on Saturday evening.

During the Annual Dinner a presentation of awards will be made.

The dinner will be at The King’s Restaurant, Italo Australia Club, 78 Franklin Street, Forrest, ACT and will take the form of a full Chinese banquet. Cost will be $40 per head, not including beverages. Dress will be smart casual.

Please complete and return the booking form.

The CRARC has made arrangements for a visit on Sunday morning to the Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex at Tidbinbilla, some 35 kms southwest of the city of Canberra, departing 9:30 am from the Forrest Inn.

If you wish to attend, please complete and return the form.

Alternatively, CRARC has arranged a Canberra City tour, including the embassies, High Court, the National Art Gallery and a stop at Parliament House with adequate time to visit, departing 9:30 am from the Forrest Inn and returning by lunchtime. The cost is $15 per person, payable on departure, but booking is requested. Please complete and return the form (26kb PDF).

The WIA Board hopes that as many members and their friends as possible can attend this first major formal event of the national WIA, and have a memorable weekend in the nation’s Capital.

Related Files

2005 AGM Booking Form
AGM 2005 - Form.pdf


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)