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2005 News Releases




WIA Participation in Standards Australia

Date : 30 / 03 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Among the many organizations and bodies whose work can impact on amateur radio is the work of Standards Australia.

In recent times, with the emergence of possible standards for BPL and standards addressing EMC issues, standards have assumed a greater importance to amateur radio.

Accordingly, the participation of the WIA in the work of Standards Australia has assumed a greater importance.

The WIA Board has reviewed its participation in this work.

The WIA has been represented on various Standards committees by the late Peter Naish, VK2BPN, Gilbert Hughes, VK1GH and David Wardlaw, VK3ADW.

The Board has appointed John Bishop, VK2ZOI as the Sydney representative, and David Wardlaw as Melbourne representative and coordinator of the group, with Gilbert Hughes continuing as the Canberra representative.

It is intended that each will attend relevant meetings in their city, providing the Board and the other team members with prompt and adequate reports, so that if the follow up meeting is in another city, the WIA will have a continuity of representation.

It is understood that the core group will from time to time need the assistance of experts in a particular field. It is the responsibility of the core group to identify an appropriate expert and arrange for assistance.


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