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2005 News Releases




WIA to conduct 40m band plan review

Date : 17 / 08 / 2005
Author : Glen Dunstan - VK4DU

The WIA board has decided to conduct a review of the current Australian 40m band plan. The plan is well out of date - it was conceived many years ago.

A number of issues have triggered the review:
 The general popularity of the 40m band for medium range and mobile communications;
 The forthcoming increased loading of the band following the introduction of the new Foundation licence and granting of access to Standard (formerly novice/Novice Limited) licensees; and
 The increasing popularity of digital modes, such as PSK31 and WINLINK.

A new 40m band plan will:
 Provide for more efficient utilisation of the entire 7000-7300 kHz segment;
 Minimise interference between voice, CW and data modes;
 Reduce loading on the current voice segment around 7060-7100 kHz through the encouragement of voice nets above 7100 kHz;
 Ease the introduction of new users to the band, by the creation of newcomer-specific nets above 7200 kHz; and
 Provide a specific segment for automated data modes, such as WINLINK.

The new band plan will be formulated with reference to the corresponding band plans of the IARU and other Region 3 countries. It will also take account of international developments, such as defining segments in terms of emission bandwidth, rather than by emission modes. Any band plan obviously must have the support of the majority of users. To this end, the WIA seeks input from all amateurs on a new 40m plan.

Please send your comments and suggestions to

The target date for completion of the new draft plan is September 30.


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